Talking About Citizenship And How We See And Portray Ourselves To The Others

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Considering citizenship and how we present ourselves to others, as well as how we see ourselves.

In this first part of the article, we are going to talk about citizenship.

Citizenship is defined by one's sense of belonging to a state, with rights and responsibilities that are enforced and controlled by a government. It is a specific type of membership in a huge group that is bonded together by a common identity.

Good citizenship is typically defined as adhering to the rules and swearing entire devotion to the government while simultaneously protecting individual liberties. Participation in environmental conservation and the promotion of equal rights are two more attributes that are equally vital to have.

Consequently, while discussing citizenship, the promotion of national interest as well as the empowerment of every person come to the forefront. No one can use the advancement of one's own interests as a justification for violating the interests of another.

In here, I will discuss my view in patriotism, citizenship, and as a Filipino citizen of the country Philippines.

Having a strong sense of patriotism for one's country and being proud of one's country  and is what makes a person a proud citizen. Moreover, I consider myself to be a proud citizen of my own country, the Philippines. Every Filipino person possesses a wide range of cultures, customs, and traditions, as well as a wide range of abilities, and I am proud of the fact that I respect and appreciate these many cultures, customs, and traditions, as well as the natural beauty of the Philippines. What makes me proud is that people of all races and nationalities, as well as individuals from different countries, come to the Philippines to appreciate the natural beauty and friendly nature of the Filipino people. Aside from that, Filipinos were acknowledged and congratulated for their abilities, and they also took part in award ceremonies and television shows, which made me even more proud of my fellow Filipino citizens who helped to hoist the flag of our nation. Over the course of my life as a citizen, I intend to adhere to the norms and values of individual liberty, safeguard the environment, advocate for equal rights, and continuously respect and be proud of the Philippines and my fellow Filipino citizens.

Moreover, after talking about citizenship, in the next part of this article discusses on how we see and portray ourselves to the others. It will more likely take you to self realizations and reflections.

Social interaction, according to Erving Goffman, may be divided into three types of theatrical performances which are the following: (1) Front Stage; (2) Back Stage; and (3) Off Stage.

1. Front Stage - this is the location from which performers are observed while they execute their roles. A performance evaluation is a process in which performers are assessed by the audience based on how effectively they perform their roles in a play. Using this comparison, we may describe a person's desire to be the person that other people want him to be, such as a nice shopkeeper, a competent teacher, or a good student.

2. Back Stage - this is the area where actors are shielded from the prying eyes of the audience and are free to express themselves without the pressure of trying to satisfy the public by matching their expectations. In this example, the person's time is defined as the period of time between when he logs out of the digital world and becomes who he is.

3. Off Stage - this is the area of the performance when the performer comes into touch with the audience without taking on the role of an actor in the play. The place where he reclaims his original identity. This analogy is used to describe the point at when a person who has assumed a role on the other line ultimately meets the person on the other line for the first time.

As an example of how we present ourselves on stage, backstage, and offstage, here is an example of how I would portray myself on front stage, back stage, and off stage.

As a member of the Front Stage community, I am respected as a kind and thoughtful son, a thoughtful and understanding brother, and a stellar student. It is my goal to always be courteous to my parents as a decent son, and I aim to maintain this attitude at all times. When it comes to my brotherhood, I am a patient and understanding individual at all times. After a disagreement with my brother, I make an effort to be understanding and refrain from responding adversely to him in the future. Every circumstance needs my ability to be compassionate. To summarize, as an amazing student, I am doing well on tests, projects, and other activities, and I am always on time with my submissions.

As a loving and understanding son and brother, I think that my character is still present in Back Stage, as well as in my current position as an average student. The fact that I am already losing my patience at some point in time does not prevent me from addressing the situation to myself alone in order to soothe, and comfort, myself. Due to the fact that I do not know the details of their personal lives, being kind to others is the least I can do till the end of my days. And, as an ordinary student, I feel myself as no longer being considered as the exceptional student that I used to be in my previous positions.

And lastly, I will always maintain my Off Stage identity as a kind and understanding son and brother who does not display symptoms of plasticity in his dealings with other people, and this will always be the case. On the other hand, I think that I must demonstrate to others that I am no longer considered to be an exceptional student. I am an ordinary college student who is trying to make it through his college career by surviving school.


Now ask yourself.
Are you being a good citizen of your country?
On the three types of stages by Erving Goofman, can youidentify what you portray on each of the stages mentioned on the discussion above?
If you can, I am looking forward to see your answers on the comment setion.


Our existence in this world began as a citizen of the nation in which we were born, according to the records. As we grow older, we gain different physical characteristics and depict ourselves as ideal, normal, or either or neither, depending on our personal preferences. However, because we are already here, we must be conscious of what we do and how we present ourselves, as we are representing our country and taking full responsibility for our own reputation.

Greetings From The Author

Hello, readers.
I hope you find this article informative and worth reading. And I hope this give you at least small learnings and information that you can apply to your life.
Have a good day!

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$ 1.22
$ 1.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Ellen-he


My dear friend, I'm glad to have another Filipino friend here. You are a nation of originality, with a rich culture, kind and responsible people. Certainly your country and your family are proud of you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much, friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we must do our duties as a citizen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed. That's the least of a citizen can do which is to do the duties.

$ 0.00
2 years ago