Why Refined Sugar Destroys You

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4 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

The Danger of Sugar

White sugar is a refined product which has been depleted of everything of value, only energy remains. For the body to digest and metabolise it, however, all the vitamins and minerals of the original natural plant source are needed. When you ingest refined sugar (or any other refined product), the body must take all these nutrients somewhere else. It takes it from other food, provided there is any surplus of nutrients there. It most likely is not, so it makes you develop chronic vitamin deficiency, especially of B-vitamins; and it takes minerals from your bone tissue, ultimately causing osteoporosis. By stealing minerals, it also contributes to a gradually increasing acidity, a major factor in the development of degenerative disease, most notably cancer. Moreover, should you have cancer, however small, the refined sugar will immediately be snatched by the tumorous cells. Being cells with a metabolism based on fermentation, for practical purposes being yeast cells, cancer cells use it for their own energy production. So you actually feed them!

In addition to that, refined sugar damages the mucous membranes of the stomach; and by feeding acid-producing bacteria, it contributes to the dissolution of tooth tissue, ultimately causing decay.

This is not all. Without delving in too much scientific details, one can say that sugar causes nutritional deficiencies which destabilises the biochemistry of the body in a large number of ways, which affect the central nervous system as well as most organs, and pave the way for degenerative disease and accelerated ageing.

Some Benefits from Excluding Added (white/refined) Sugar from Your Diet

1. You decrease the risk to get cardiovascular disease and your bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels fall.

2. Your production of insulin falls and the risk to get diabetes type 2 decreases drastically.

3. Sugar causes inflammation. People who ingest added sugar have 50-100% more inflammation in the body. Avoid inflammation by avoiding sugar.

4. Sugar depletes the body of alkalising minerals and leaves it acidic, causing osteoporosis and cancer. By skipping it, you reduce that risk.

5. Sugar feeds intestinal bacteria that produce estrogens, another risk factor for cancer, diabetes and much more. Skip it and reduce your risk to get those diseases.

6. More sugar, more caries. By eating less sugar, you will have better teeth.

7. Sugar affects your mood negatively. With less or no added sugar, your temper will become more stable and you will become less prone to depression.

8. Sugar disturbs your sleeping pattern. With less sugar, you will be sleeping better at night.

9. Sugar negatively affects communication between brain cells. By skipping it, you improve both memory and ability to learn.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are not better. They might reduce the calorie intake compared to ordinary sugar, and they might not feed acid-producing microbes, but being artificial they come with their own problems. Aspartame is probably the worst of them all, since its breakdown generates strongly carcinogenic compounds.

Another one is sucralose, quite popular right now. It has shown not to break down well in nature, so what happens with it in the body? Does it leave deposits that cannot be metabolised? We don't know yet, but its resistance to biological breakdown is a red flag. It has also been shown to reduce the weight of the thymus in rats. This is nothing else than imposed ageing. Upholding the size of the thymus is a key factor in retarding ageing. Another effect observed on rats, is that it negatively affects the intestinal microflora.

If you crave sweetness, the best is to use naturally sweet things, unrefined. Dried fruit, for instance. Pulverised to meal, dried figs, dates, not to mention pears can be used to sweeten other products; liquorice (but beware, it raises the blood pressure), or why not honey? Unheated honey is a natural antioxidant and must be counted amongst the superfoods. Another natural sweetener is the herb stevia, allegedly 30 times sweeter than sugar.

If you want to use refined sugar, the wisest course is to take large amounts of brewer's yeast as well. It contains most of the nutrients refined sugar is deprived of and provides them in perfect proportion.

Why People Like Sugar

Why have people come to love sugar too much?

Initially white sugar was expensive. During the Middle Ages it was more expensive than gold. Using sugar gave prestige. In the families of Royalty and high Nobility, they had sugar to everything. And it is possible to examine old skeletons and see that the teeth became bad when sugar came in use. They must have got terrible problems with teeth and toothache.

Sugar increases the level in the brain of the amino acid tryptophan, which, in turn, triggers the production of serotonin. That generates a feeling of well-being, and since it is also addictive, sugar possesses the typical characteristics of a drug. Once you have started, it is hard to stop. If you also set the blood sugar level in swing by pushing it up with sweets, you will crave more sugar as soon as the level decreases again. A vicious circle that is hard to break. But it is possible.

(This article is based on material previously published in Meriondho Leo.)

Copyright © 2020 Meleonymica/Mictorrani. All Rights Reserved.

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4 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


Nice article. I used to think artificial sugars were safe to use

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's very correct. refined sugar caused and still causes alot of health problems, yet countless people can't live without it even when they know how bad it is

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Isn't that strange, that people continue using things they know destroy their health? That's exactly what I am targeting in one of my earlier articles here, "Suicide is not Painless" https://read.cash/@Mictorrani/suicide-is-not-painless-debdda30. Most people actually commit suicide.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

people usually do things instantly without thinking about the consequences later. sugar is sweet? let's eat it and don't even think about how dangerous it is. many also think that suicide will be the solution to their misery but it's not. actually in that case you will be the reason of someone else's misery

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your first sentence here says it all: "people usually do things instantly without thinking about the consequences later". Especially if the consequences are not instant, but will be noticed first several decades later.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah mate. and you know what? after reading your article about suicide, it gave me the inspiration to write something about it :D i will post the link here when it's done. of course if that doesn't bother you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Please do. It doesn't bother me at all.

"Ordinary" suicide, if I may call it so, is something else, of course; when people deliberately decide to kill themselves immediately to get away from what they perceive as an unbearable situation. They decide to die and apply the means to do so. What I wrote about in my article is different, because the intention is not to die, it's a consequence. I still think that, too, is suicide, if they know about the bad consequences of their lifestyle.

But that article is interesting, because I published it before (not on the web) and it stirred up enormous emotions amongst the readers and many woke up to the fact that they "create" their own (good or bad) health. It is not something just happening to them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

and i just finished writing the article. it took me some time haha. but i guess it's worth it. check it and tell me what you think if you find it worthy. https://read.cash/@hamedbkh/illusions-of-salvation-notes-for-the-shattered-souls-ea1d6499

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I gave my comments under your article. But it's good. I liked it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

i understand your point. and i surely agree with that. and as someone who had to deal with depression at some point in my life. i do understand how that feeling is. so yeah, you picked a very intresting topic to write about, it's a very common problem now sadly.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for you writeup very encouraging

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you @mictorrani for sharing this valuable piece of information. But why are governments still licensing the refined sugar and artificial sweeteners manufacturing companies to operate despite the suite of havoc they wreck on consumers health?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Governments are not overly interested in people's health. If something is good business, they won't touch it. Or if people for some reason like it, so touching it would harm their chance to be re-elected. If we would remove everything that harms your health from the food store, there wouldn't be much left. Even normally healthy things as fruit and vegetables are poisoned by chemicals - and that is entirely legal.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very informative article sugar white refined sugar also contains animal charcol used to decolourise it so it is not good for health as it leads to many health problems

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for sharing this sir. Now I understand why sweet is also bad for an acidic like me. 🤔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Are you acidic? Yes, then you should be careful with sugar.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes sir. That's also the reason why I controlled my coffee intake sir. I always hyperventilate and palpitate before. 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago