What nasty thing could happen on such a lovely day?

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1 year ago

Today I wake up and the first thing I observe is that the day is quite clear, sunny and the environment is pleasant, a delicious temperature that is very typical here in a tropical country like Venezuela, a very pleasant day, I'm going to have my coffee, I'm going to the kitchen, I'm going to heat the water and I put a chronometer as I usually do on my phone, about five minutes to give space for the water to heat, while I am doing the other tasks that is washing my teeth, throwing water on my face to get ready to start a new day...and then that is when the doubt assaults me, it is when I ask myself what such unpleasant thing could happen to me on a day as beautiful as today.

And the memories of May 17, the year of 2022 when I was paralyzed without being able to walk and it was a beautiful day, a sunny day, of course, the difference is that on that occasion I felt like I was not willing, I did not want to go for a walk, I did not want to leave my house, you know, those days when you feel like something is not going to turn out well but you have to leave, well that day I got the face like the image that this publication has in the head, with crying eyes, anguished and thinking about how surreal the whole situation was in which I was like with 20 people around me and then on other occasions people laughing at me, it was quite difficult but I understood one thing about life that one should not give for a penny, anything of the things they have in life one should not give for a penny, or because it will not change or because it will continue the same a situation you always have to try to be as objective as possible and always be careful to be prepared and always as my good friend Paul of the world of cryptocurrencies says, you always have to have a plan B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, you always have to have many more options and planning on what should be done or what you are going to be able to do if you do not have the results or you have failed the previous plan.

And above all you must be very clear in these situations about what you should do if something unpleasant happens to you on such a beautiful day, it is very important to you, it is a bit of life advice and it is what I have learned in these 54 years of experience and hope that the younger people and even the older ones who also read this type of content understand that they always must have planning in their lives so that the unforeseen things do not surprise them, that is something very important.

I wish you have a good day and that this beautiful day is maintained and unpleasant things do not happen to you.

$ 0.47
$ 0.27 from @Telesfor
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
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1 year ago


All those back up plans made me think of an 18 wheeler semi truck. Many flats can happen and it keeps rolling. Too many back up plans doesn't hurt anything.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I know I may sound paranoid, but life has taught me that I should always have a backup plan, and the more plans I have, the more prepared I am to face things. In my case it has been a vital tool my friend.

Now it's 2pm around here, I'm about to have lunch to start the task of transcribing the entire 2nd part of my publication, which will have about 6 photos and kilometers of text that you don't know how lazy I am to write hahahahaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha kilometers of text. I agree there nothing wrong with too many back up plans. Often they are not full proof.

$ 0.00
1 year ago