Reflections on a Past Love: My Experience with Nancy Durán - coolmidwestguy iniciative

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1 year ago

We've all had a great love or several in our life. In my case, I've been quite lucky and had the opportunity to have several beautiful loves that I remember with great affection.

On this occasion, I want to talk to you about Nancy.

I also want to tell you before continuing that this post is motivated by the initiative of @coolmidwestguy, where they propose that we talk about one of three topics, and I have chosen to talk about my previous relationships, particularly the one I had with Nancy Durán.

In another post, I showed you a photo that you have probably already seen, and I am reposting it here. This is where you see me many years ago, around 20-25 years ago. This photo is the only one I have kept. It was taken in a province of the country where I live.

The story I have with Nancy is very interesting. I met her through a text message on the phone, and it was completely by accident. In those years, there were chats through text messages. I wasn't very used to using this service, but I've always been a very curious person.

What happened was that I received a text message where Nancy wrote to a person who she thought was me, asking, telling him that she was very sorry for his loss and giving her condolences, her heartfelt sympathy for someone's death.

The message was really touching. I thought it was best to respond to the message by telling her that she had the wrong number and that the condolences message was written to the wrong person. Please send the message to the correct number so that the right person receives the condolences.

And so, she started talking to me. She said, "Oh, sorry, but who are you?" and so on. We started talking. I told her, "Look, my name is Reinaldo, I live in Caracas, and where are you?" "Oh, well, I live in San Cristóbal.". And that's how we started to get to know each other.

The relationship started to form. We started to talk. At that time, I had a service that allowed me to talk unlimitedly for a basic rate within the country, and that was nights and nights that I spent on the phone talking to Nancy. In those times, my phone wasn't high-end and didn't allow me to receive photos either. At that time, photos were sent through phones. It was a very exclusive and expensive service, so I couldn't see what she looked like. However, social networks did exist, but she didn't use them. Or she really didn't want to give me her social networks; I never knew.

The truth is that after about a month of conversations via text messages and through the phone, I decided to go to San Cristóbal. I remember with great affection the effort my mother made to help me pay for the hostel in San Cristóbal. I stayed there for exactly 30 days. I remember it was at the end of the year, between November and December, because I remember that I came back almost for New Year's Eve, on December 30th, to my house.

We lived very intense things with Nancy. She was a very attractive person, she caught the attention of most men because she had very good proportions, she was very well endowed with beauty and taste, and that really caught a lot of attention. On more than one occasion, she brought me a lot of problems because wherever we went, people would ask her why she was with me, with a man as ugly as me, and on more than one occasion, she had to intervene so that I wouldn't get into a fight to defend her honor. But in the end, she still had other relationships. She was a very promiscuous woman.

And of course, this was a youthful love.

I was someone very inexperienced, and she cheated on me several times, and I continued to love her, I think even now I can say that I do, although I am a mature man now. I would like to see her again because I must confess that I had the best sex of my life with her. 30 continuous days of intense and wild sex, perhaps the wildest I've ever had in my life. And this has been my experience with one of the great loves of my life, Nancy Durán.

I also remember visiting her parents' house in San Cristóbal. She introduced me to her parents as her official boyfriend. I met her sisters, my sisters-in-law. In fact, according to her mom and sisters, I was the only official partner that she introduced as her official boyfriend in her house. But still, she cheated on me. Lessons we have in life.

And yet, I hold a grudge against her and love her very much. I remember that because of my stubbornness, I told her in a phone call that I didn't want to talk to her ever again.

And she told me that I was stupid and didn't know how to do things.

And now I think she was right.

But I was very immature in those years, and well, what happened, happened. Maybe if I had a time machine, I would go back in time and correct that, and be with her, who knows.

But I wanted to share this story with you for my friend Bob's initiative.

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1 year ago


She's cute and I can imagine you had a lot of fun those 30 days. Sorry you had regret but you marked it up correctly what happened, happened. Many years ago and you were different minded.

Your from Caracas, interesting because we have a new military member in my office that was born and raised there. He left in the late 90's. I've learned a lot this last month about Venezuela . Not from just him but also from my Spanish Crush, haha. Take care Bud.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, in those days I thought differently, and actually I was very stupid, and look how sorry I am Bob, damn it!

Yes, I live in the capital, Caracas. Surely your partner is going to help you understand much better what this city is like, it's like a kind of small cosmopolitan capital of crime, sex, drugs and many other things, some good, some bad, like a mini New York if you can. you can call it that.

Venezuela is a beautiful country, but in reality it is its leaders that have damaged everything, you know my friend, politicians always screwing everything up.

The city hasn't changed much since the 1990s. At the level of its people and their customs, everything remains the same. The only thing that has changed is that there are more businesses and recreational spaces, but that is because drug traffickers have set up businesses. such as a Ferrari branch and other types of very expensive businesses in the city, restaurants, shopping centers, etc. But the common citizen cannot acquire goods or services there because he does not have the money to do so, these are places that only those who have thousands of dollars can enter and enjoy. Country things, ask your partner who is going to tell you better about what I tell you.

Nancy lived 12 hours away from me, even so I took the trip to visit her and be with her for a month. My mother gave me the salary from her 1-month pension so that I could go and meet her, I will never forget that, my mother helped me find love and that for me is one of the things that means and represents a lot my friend.

Hey, thank you very much for stopping by and reading these lines!

Keep in touch!.

$ 0.10
1 year ago

I had one I had to let go of but under different circumstances. Your circumstances are different though you met her family and your mother spent a lot for you to meet. That's a lot of big deals. Maybe she might not have changed her ways would that have eaten at you more over time though? I can see she meant a great deal to you. But I think what's important here is you can't be certain that it would have been happily ever after staying with her. Maybe it could have been who knows. Loving someone for real can stick on the heart. It can lead us to a lot of what ifs. I hope one day you get the opportunity to catch up with her. I feel this is something you really want.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I will never know, I will always have that doubt of what could have been. And without a doubt, I represent something very important, let's say it was one of my great loves, I dare say that it was the 2nd great love of my life, because I had others haha, I'm not really a gigolo, although it may sound like one. If anything I have had 4 or 5 important loves in my life.

The truth is that now that I am mature, I would like to be able to close this cycle, but unless life surprises me and I meet one of them again, it will not be possible. So it will always remain in doubt hahaha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Is she on facebook? How is she doing? She's pretty Rei 😍

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, it is, very pretty and very good sex that we had too... I don't have her social networks (she doesn't have), if not, I would have contacted her a while ago...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Querido amigo 🫂 como dice la canción "hay amores que matan" . Yo diría "hay amores que marcan" y en ese 🤍 Nancy se quedó grabada en el tuyo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Y muy marcado que me dejo. Lo malo es que no tengo como contactarla, el tlf donde tenia guardado su # me lo robaron. Lo unico que me queda es es llegar a donde la mama de ella alla en Rubio San Cristobal que mas o menos me acuerdo de donde vive. Pero seguro como hacen tantos años de eso, esa señora ya esta mas que muerta y su papa tambien, y lo mas probable es que ya viva otra gente que no conozca en esa casa. Ademas , no me pegaria ese viaje hasta tan lejos, actualmente en las condiciones fisicas que me encuentro no lo haria, no aguanto un viaje de ese tipo.

Pero asi es la vida.

$ 0.00
1 year ago