Greeting favorite bitcoin cashers!
Today's I wish to educate you about the considerably fascinating users in
I plan that you understand their job and find out how practically are the wonderful publications that these folks do.
I have no pact with them and this journal is made entirely by my own will, without being hired to do it.
Having this point clear, I need to speak of a shortlist of those who are chosen, founded on how engaging and inspiring its topics are.
Those are the standards employed to build this chart.
The arrangement in which they stand does not imply my appreciation for them, they are that way because of the order in which I recall their names.
The roster will include a private viewpoint and a quick analysis of what they communicate or the initiatives in which they contribute.
They are all from varied parts of the planet, with unique criteria, distinct directions of life, and diverse specialties.
And here's are, my valued users on this platform:
The world of technology is very outstanding, it has very fascinating roads and this soul tells us in tremendous detail about several technicalities, exposures, wonders, and pieces of programming, and other equally delightful aspects.
The direction he provides to his posts is quite refined and intense. He composes specialized content made by someone who understands a lot about the topic.
It is a user that anyone who brags of being a computer scientist, must-visit.
If you are enthusiastic about the world of ethical hacking, then this user is surely going to meet your goals.
He talks in-depth about his knowledge and the software he understands, his job is top quality.
Profile link:
His name is Akaniru, he pertains to the Igbo tribe of Africa and is a fine person who lately talks about all the difficulties that his nation has respecting the monetary facet and the unemployment prevailing.
He warns us in his publications everything he has to do to fund his family, his tale is full of sensitivity and passion.
Its content is diversified giving us concerning topics about the world of cryptocurrencies, advising us about their knowledge of utilizing them and how they have fulfilled to boost their life.
This demonstrates to us that behind each person who writes content there is a great story, I invite you to recognize his.
His story lasts for hours and I believed that he is a person who has the right to be visited.
Profile link:
is a user who has lived on the platform for 7 months and usually talks about many issues, technology, cryptocurrencies, and life in general.
What distinguishes it, is its flexible wording, making its publications flow and we appreciate each admiring all its contents.
He was recently acknowledged by Mr. @MarcDeMesel, who after many months recognized the hard labor he has been performing on this platform.
I suggest reading the publications that talk about this voyage because they are very charming and show that leaders are conscious of what goes on the site they fund.
This is the example of this user who is very happy after earning two or three shots of important aid from that personality.
Fetching and softened content that I recommend is browse by all of you.
Profile link:
And it has been a shortlist of my viewpoints about the users that have grabbed my attention the most. As I find interesting users and relying on the reply you offer me, I will publish the lists of interesting people that I get on this platform.
I hope this publication assists as a connection and aid for these users, as a small way of accepting the great work they do and the action they make to bring us data that goes useful and interesting.
If you want to recommend users that you find interesting, please write me the comments and I will gladly visit their publications and consider them for a future list.
Note: all my posts are created on my low-level end smartphone.
See you shortly bitcoin cashers!
excellent publication dear friend, it is good that you have met these good users, I am going to go through their profiles to read their publications a bit