Frozen In Time

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Avatar for MicroReylatos
1 year ago

Today I woke up compressed, crouched in my bed by the terrible cold that is doing in this area. When this happens, my nose tingles and as I suffer from sinusitis, it is difficult for me to breathe. It is something quite uncomfortable and unpleasant.

And this situation made me think about having a cyber implant or being a robot. A robot as well as the one that heads this
publication, which by the way has been generally created by artificial intelligence.

I imagine the advantages of being a robot, in this case, a frozen robot, for the time being, because you can not get old, you have your cyber parts and the most important thing is that you will not suffer from colds, your nose will not be covered and you will be able to perform all your tasks without interruptions of any kind and
you can probably do them in a more efficient way than the rest of human beings.

I am a supporter of cyber implants and the integration of the human body with technology. I do not think that machines or artificial intelligence are going to control human beings.

I think that having mechanical or cybernetic or technological parts in our bodies will help us to be a more advanced society, a better society, a place where we can enjoy the arts, science, technology
and that all these advances allow us to create robots as beautiful as those that are drawn by this artificial intelligence and also beautiful, because beauty is not just in appearance but in the number of functions and tasks that they can do.

So I do believe in frozen robots, for example, frozen in a cryogenic chamber and awakened hundreds of years later to find ourselves in a city and in a technological era in which we can have, for example, our lungs transplanted with cybernetic lungs, artificial lungs, that our organs last much longer without deteriorating and that we will be able to have a better quality of life because in the end the technology is made to maintain a better level and a better quality of life.

So I see the future and so I feel that we could be all frozen robots and I do not want the term frozen robot to be confused with the term of a frozen zombie, that they are very different things; because we will become zombies when we stop having our own will and desire to do things.

In the end we must avoid being like dogs with a wagging tail that rejoice over things that are not worth it.

Let's be authentic and open our minds to technology.

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Avatar for MicroReylatos
1 year ago


What was the perspective of your previous "group" about robots and AI, if they had it back there as topics.

They can help humans in tasks, robots give us time to enjoy or explore life if they're the one who will do some jobs.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't understand what you're trying to say with "previous group", I don't belong to any in particular, but I am in favor of using technology to do daily tasks.

For example, I have vision problems, and my glasses are worn out and I can't buy new ones at the moment, so I rely on technology to make my publications. I dictate everything I want to write via voice to a virtual assistant and then the assistant translates it into English for me. Then I review it, make the pertinent arrangements and publish my content. So I use AI to support me in my daily life.

But on the other hand, they must be regulated, because in the long run the fact that robots do everything for us will make us functionally useless and we will unlearn everything we have learned. That is a big risk, and with the way the new generations born from 2000 onwards think, it is more than clear to me that this is very likely to happen.

After all, for a long time as a race, we have been doomed to extinction, and that will happen, in trillions of millions of years, the planet earth will cease to exist, the sun will go out and in fact the entire galaxy will disappear. , so in the long run, we are going to become extinct.

(I love these fatalistic and controversial thoughts XD)

$ 0.03
1 year ago

"That group" you have mentioned in the other post that you've joined before. I wonder what those cults perceptions about this.

Anyways the AI example is a great tool when we can't do other tasks and they are our alternatives. Hoped we can still find meaning and purpose in what we do, more time with connections since robots can do our tasks.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know what that particular group currently thought about AIs. Before they saw everything as something unnatural that goes against the processes of nature. But times change, and if the cults want to survive, they must adapt to them, so they are probably more permissive and admit certain liberties with the AIs, and I see the issue coming from the side of the art theme, I allowed the interpretations as legitimate AI artists. That's murky ground for a number of reasons.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Machine doing most jobs, humans will have longer time to spend with family, themselves and purpose. I really hoped that this AIs help will benefits us that way.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

On the one hand it is good to have more free time to be able to dedicate to other things, like focusing on creating more art, better science and constructions... but the problem with that is that if that free time is not used and it becomes something mostly "idle", humanity is going to get used to that and gradually we are going to become stupid.

The best example of what I am telling you can be seen today in the generation of gamers that we currently have: crying children demanding that the game have more save points, less difficulty, better graphics and better graphics quality, focusing more on the visual and not the story part, which is actually the essence of the games. With this, it is clearly demonstrated that this new generation focuses on the superficial, the vanal, the visual.

And this example of gamers is seen in the general aspects of life today, that's why I say that this technology thing has its counterpart and really, although I am super in favor of it, I find that this is a big problem, and That must be strictly regulated, if we don't want the human race to become idiotic and in about 3 more generations we have a planet populated with more idiots than we already have.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

😂, we don't have tech yet and many of us are already idle, hoped that the pros of tech will allow us to prepare better than be more I*iots.

You like the story part huh, a gamer too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am a professional League of Legends gamer (I train professional teams) for several years in Latin America.

I hope to reach 99 years old and continue gaming <3

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow! As in wow. They get rewards if they won or they have allowance even during?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And this situation made me think about having a cyber implant or being a robot.

We are robots, biological robots.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Actually we are, and if you start to analyze, all creatures are.

So now comes the question: will we be controlled by machines, if we are already machines? o.o

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We are machines, very complex autonomous biological machines. We are controlled by our genes, our experiences and other biological machines. At the moment the biological machines are created by births, but it will certainly change and other machines will emerge, most likely not mechanical, or biological, but virtual machines. They will influence many things, including us. That's how I see it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Is it true that advance incubators/baby machines can now bring babies into fuller life from day 1 there up to 9 months?

I have this "wild impossible imagination" that babies can bring up in space while in there until they "hatched" up or down here. 😳

$ 0.00
1 year ago

No , it's not true.

$ 0.00
1 year ago