Ephemeral but unforgettable: when brief things leave a lasting mark.

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1 year ago

What's up friends? Today I come to talk to you about the ephemeral word. It comes from the Bysantine Greek epepopak, ephemeral, of a day.

It is an adjective that means passenger, of short duration, that lasts a single day, or the real dictionary of the Spanish language tells us that it also means cachipolla.

Cachipolla is an insect that is about two centimeters long, ash-colored, with dark spots on its wings and three bristles on the back of the body. This insect inhabits the shores of the water and only lives one day. Then he refers to the cachipolla, which is an insect and another word that is also very curious.

In general lines we have that ephemeral refers to something that lasts a very short time, that is fleeting, temporary, transitory. This can be an event, an emotion, the taste of a food, an object or a situation that has a very short or very fleeting time.


Source of the definition

For example, a crush is an ephemeral emotion, it is a fleeting emotion. A fireworks show is an ephemeral show because the fireworks last a few seconds and then disappear.

We also have the example of a flower that blooms for a short time, for a few days or perhaps a few hours, and then dies.

So these are examples of something that is ephemeral.

Today I want to talk to you about things that are ephemeral but unforgettable. Those things that, despite being so brief, leave a mark on our lives and this leads me to remember back in the 90s one of my first loves.

I remember that she lived near the surroundings where I have been living for the last few years and I met her through a radio amateur. At that time I spent the day and night talking to the citizen band because that was my hobby. For those days the cost of electricity was not as expensive as it is now, and one could afford to have the radio on day and night without worrying about the high cost of electricity that this was going to have. The courtship with this person lasted approximately three months, four months at the most and it was quite fast, it was quite fast.

Everything happened very quickly, that is, we met, she lived about two blocks from my home, so we could see each other quite often, very often she would come here to my house and I would go to her house and we would see each other and kiss. . That time of the first loves and I remember that it was ephemeral, because everything happened very quickly, suddenly without realizing it, she entered the university, I began to have other types of friendships and everything was over in the blink of an eye. So it was ephemeral, but it is a relationship that marked me because it was my first love and still today I keep a pint with a graffiti that she did to me on the wall of my wall in the room.

Ephemeral things that leave a mark on our lives, such as a love relationship like this or meeting a friend or a person who leaves a mark and an important lesson in our lives.

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1 year ago


Estimado ese amor fue efímero pero te marco. Aún tienes ese recuerdo imborrable en tu memoria y corazón. Quizás tú si estabas enamorado pero ella no mucho porque cambio contigo al comenzar la universidad y por sus nuevas amistades. Cuídate. Nos seguimos leyendo 😘🫂🌹

$ 0.00
1 year ago

pues la verdad eso parece que fue lo que paso, que yo quede mas enamorado que ella, y eso duele, lo se porque tambien he estado en la posicion de ella, donde la chica ha estado enamorada de mi pero yo no de ella, por eso lo entiendo, es incomodo.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Deep and like poetic...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A bit yes, today I woke up like this, somewhat poetic...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lol. Mix words and emotions are best expressions most when you're in the mood.

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1 year ago