Cats and their ability to be furtive

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1 year ago
Topics: Cats, Furtive, Ability, Life, Blog, ...

Today we have a very cool word, furtivo, it is an adjective that means that it is done in secret and if it is said of a person it means that they hunt, fish or make firewood on someone else's farm, stolen from their owner.


Source of the definition

This is the meaning of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy and what they want to tell us with this is that it is something or someone that moves stealthily, hidden, secretly, surely with the intention of not being detected or avoiding being seen. .

It is something that is associated with everything that is hidden or clandestine.

An example of something that is sneaky is a thief, like the one we see in the headline of the post, hiding in the dark and acting sneaky to avoid being seen doing his misdeeds.

A cat is also something that is sneaky and that is the topic that concerns us today, we are going to talk about it. Also the spies that infiltrate in an undetectable way in a place to steal information or steal something are the term of something furtive.

A good example in video games of someone sneaky is Snake in the famous game Metal Gear, I couldn't stop mentioning him in this post because Snake is the best example of someone who is sneaky.

But speaking of the subject at hand, cats have an impressive ability to move stealthily and this is because their nature created them, they were anatomically created this way to behave like a kind of spy, ninja! Cats have a very agile body that allows them to move stealthily, their legs, the pads on their feet, make walking on any surface allow them to move very quietly. In addition to being animals that delight all of us, they are hunters by nature, so they have that innate ability to move silently. They have an incredible ability to see at night, their vision is adapted to be able to see better at night, which is why cats tend to be more active at night, and they can move very little by little, very slowly, this allows them to They can hunt their prey.

If you see cats, lions, they hunt that way, they get into the undergrowth, crouch down and see their prey in the distance to calculate and attack them. And something curious is that cats are animals that are very independent, that's why they prefer to be furtive, because they are independent, so that no one detects them. They like to hide in dark and small places, they love boxes and being hidden is their delight, because from there they can hunt without being detected, dominate all humans without being seen.

Definitely, the ability of cats to be sneaky is something great, that nature gives them and that I appreciate very much.

I am sure that each one of you has enjoyed many times with each of the adventures and crazy things that cats do, proof of which are the thousands of videos that we can enjoy and that will never stop entertaining us.

So hooray for the cats and their ability to be sneaky!

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1 year ago
Topics: Cats, Furtive, Ability, Life, Blog, ...
