Should You discard it?

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3 years ago
Topics: Lifetips, Reality

It was a stressful day and now that I'm fully analyzing today, it has been nothing but stressful. Trust me, nothing exciting nor worthwhile happened. I know you might say I should share it regardless, but I think I'll sit this one out and keep it to myself. Got home quite late today. Maybe not so late but since I had a lot to do at home I have to say I was late.

My oh my the chores I've been postponing sat there patiently waiting for me as soon as I opened the door and I got to it right away as I had to cook and clean. During my cleaning process, I noticed that my trash was full and I had to take it out. As I took out the trash, a question suddenly popped into my mind, should you discard it? At first, it sounded strange and weird and I just couldn't wrap my head around why my mind would be asking me if i should discard my trash. I mean it is thrash! What else would I possibly need trash for.

Although I was feeling tired, Battered, drained, stressed and sleep deprived because my previous night was short, my head just wouldn't let the question rest in peace. It kept on playing in my mind over and over again and I just couldn't help but ponder on it a bit. As I made the decision to put some thought into it, that seeming baseless and confusing question started to make a lot of sense to me. Funny enough, more questions were unfolding minute by minute and i was totally vowed at how just one question could give birth to many.

You know how we compile the things that we no longer have need of, whether they are good or bad, new or old, and dispose or get rid of them? I'm sure this is something that we do all the time but I have a question for you; are you certain you want to get rid of them? Let me tell you a story! Ready? Let's go!

When I was in my early teenage age, I used to have this lovely pink bag. This bag and I were quite inseparable, up to the point that my mom had issues with how often i used it. Everyone tried to make me see that if I liked that bag of mine, I should probably not use it so often. Me being me, I refused to listen to reason. Unfortunately for me, one of the straps of the bag got spoilt and I could no longer use it conveniently. I felt hurt and sad, but there was nothing I could do so I left the bag and finally went for another.

Just like little me, most people do this. I know you probably see no wrong in what little me did but that's why I'm here, let show you. I know you will agree with me that if I had minimized the frequency of my usage like I was advised to, my pink beauty would have lasted long for me and I would have enjoyed it for awhile. I didn't, and what happened had to happen.

We not only do this to things but to people too. We are so quick to let go of those relationships and investment that were made in our friendships, just because things are going south at the moment. Wait, let me continue the story.

Four days later, my aunt visited our house and I was very happy to see her because she usually buys me lots of chocolates and nice toys to play with so I was more than excited to see her. Upon her arrival, she gave me the usual and played with me for a while and then told me that she had a surprise for me. On hearing this I was over joyed and anxious to see what she had brought and to my greatest surprise it was my Pink bag. It had been fixed!

Do you still want to discard it?

Relationships are one of the hardest things to maintain. Its no surprise actually cos we all know humans are one of the most difficult beings to deal with. Its to be expected that there will be rifts, arguments, disputes or even worse a full blown fight. It's difficult not to misuse a relationship no matter the type or people involved.

I used my little pink bag until it could not take it anymore and that happened because little pinky could not speak. This should not be expected while in a relationship with a living being, else that rift will occur sooner than expected.

Rash decisions are often made when angry. You family may offend you, you husband just made a huge mistake, your best friend betrays you, your dog disobeys you and probably many more, and you say you are done, you can't continue, you want to wrap things up and toss it away like I did my pink beauty? Why not stop and think; should I really discard it? You may get temporal peace, freedom and sanity but really is it worth it? Is starting again what You really need? Think about it!

Closing thoughts

I am not in anyway saying that you should not discard or dispose off what you find useless and unproductive, be it your spouse, purse, family boy friend, friend etc..all I'm saying is before finally tossing them out, have a rethink. Should I really discard it? Who knows, you might see reasons to hold on to them for a little while and maybe forever.

Thanks for reading! 💘💘

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3 years ago
Topics: Lifetips, Reality


As I was reading this, my mind was directed to this "second chance" of a thing. Sometimes, we need to give another second chance to people when they wronged us, they might change instead of completely discarding them off because of what they did to us. They might come back to change and become the best.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is a great question and thought. That is probably why there is something called "second thoughts" to give us a chance to see things differently

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's why patience has an important role to play in a relationship. Patience will make us think deeply before taking any decision. Is not all relationship we discard, thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the comment..i'm glad you liked.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't actually like discarding my personal things, even when I'm no longer using it. I just don't want to bear the thought of it being in the thrash can or seeing it get burnt 😆

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course you have to discard things that has no value anymore. But we must always take note of the things we are to discard and the things we should keep.we should not discard somethings because of a small problem, but rather we should find a way of fixing it.

Just like your pick bag, you used it till it got spoilt, it's quite alright that you love it, but you discard it without thinking about how to fix it. The same thing applies to relationship, we should always find a way to fix any little problem we are being faced with in any relationship.

But in a case where relationship is all about fighting , woman battering, it is better to leave that kind of relationship on time , the handwriting is written on the wall, what is the probability of him not doing the same thing when it turns to marriage finally, the earlier the best. Even though if he changes today, one day he will put on that monster in him. Just in my own thoughts , it is better to discard it. ✍️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is especially true when dealing with loved ones and business partners

$ 0.00
3 years ago