I'm sure the word phobia dosen't sound strange to you, as I'm positive that this is not the first time you've come across this word. The word phobia represents fear.
Have you ever been afraid of anything before? Well if you have, you'd know that it's not a very nice feeling to have, neither is it a very comfortable place to be in.
No matter how strong, unaffected and flamboyant people may seem, they are afraid of one thing or another. It's easy for people to say "I fear nothing",but truth is they've barely experienced a minute amount of the trillions of things that can make them afraid. So to me, people who make the above statements are just outrightly being boastful. They tend to be confident either because they have powers backing them or they put their trust on God. The the latter reason I don't mind but the former is what I can't rationalize because even the devil is afraid of God!
Now because I know how powerful God is, I know it's possible to trust in him and hence become unafraid. Apart from this, any other claim of lack of fear is totally unacceptable by me, full stop!
I've tried to imagine why one would just allow themself to be overcomed by something so deadly as fear and I came to the realization that it's never willingly, as fear is an opportunist!
I've also asked myself where does fear come from? Sadly I've not come up with any other answer apart from "fear being a result of inadequacy or insufficiency" Don't disagree with me yet, hold up so I can explain what I have in mind proper.
A student would only finish a test and have the fear of failing if he or she feels inadequate. The level of preparation for the test is not trusted hence, fear creeps in.
A woman would only be scared of her husband's physical strength when she has measured hers against his and it doesn't match nor add up. Therefore when he raises his voice at her during an argument, her heart is already on fire because she is scared of the eventuality of being engaged in a fight, which she is convinced she would lose.
Fear in darkness
Haven't you wondered why it is twice as easy for one to feel fear in the dark as compared to daylight. The simple reason is because darkness enhances this feeling of insufficiency. The scales are automatically against you with fear getting the upper hand. If you had a 2% chance of self defense, this has been reduced to 0.5% because your sight has lost its A game hence, fear is heightened.
It very common for female folks like myself to get afraid. We've been termed the weaker vessel and this seems to take precedence one too many times in our minds. When we walk a narrow path we're already afraid of the unknown, even when the unknown we fear is no where around us.
Overcoming fear
Preparation of both the heart, mind and body is one of the many ways one can overcome fear.
Anyone who is afraid of failure, must work hard and study for the task ahead.
Fear is not something that leaves on its own. I often hear people say, give it time you'll stop being afraid.
Let's take this example, an adult is afraid of dimly lit places. Most people think that because this adult can walk through a dimly lit highway 20 times and with comapny, that fear is gone. It's still there and it will find its way to the top on the day that he or she walk through that same high way alone
I know most of the scenarios I'm giving do not clearly represent the concept of phobia but I think it gives a glimpse of it.
Talking about that which you fear helps you stay conscious of it, as well as help people around you to be aware. Sharing problems bring you one step closer to having them solved. So if you're scared, speak up and don't let pride get the better of you.
I've found it common that people often tend to joke with the things that others are afraid of.
You have a friend that has phobia for water and he doesn't swim with you guys ever! Then one day all of you go swimming, you all push this guy who is scared of water into the pool just to watch him suffer.
If it pleases you to partake in such an inhumane act,please refrain from doing this. Take time to think about the effects it would have and how you'd feel it you were in a similar situation.
People who are afraid should be comforted and kept close. As unreasonable as it may sound, fear can make people do the things that they would not normally do.
Author's Epilogue
One of the things I fear the most is being alone. Having all the people I love gone and I'm just alone. I might not even be alone physically but the moment feelings of being alone starts to creep in, so does fear.
I moved into my hostel in school today, I've been cleaning and washing as the room was dusty. Now I'm seated and trying to rest and I just realized that I'm alone physically in my house.
Tried to go spend some time at my friend's place but I met her absence and now I'm back to my island of myself and my phone.
This is what probably prompted my writing this article, to let it all out and feel like you guys are here, and it has really helped take my mind off it and I'm sure after this l be heading straight to bed.
I don't know what you fear the most, but if you'd be willing to share with me you can leave it in the comment section below and we'd talk about it.
Thanks for taking your time to read my article, I love you🤗
Mhizutty the voice of truth 🎵🎶🎵
We all have our own fears. I once had a fear in darkneds and close places. But I thank the Lord for I already conquered it.