Just when...

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Avatar for Mhizutty
2 years ago
Topics: Expereicne, Stress

And another day has come and about to go. Well for some people, it's already a new day while for others it's close to a new day but whichever one you find yourself, it's worth being thankful for.

I really can't say I'm okay, neither can I say I'm not. I think I'm somewhere between being stressed and being fine. I guess you could call it a baseline feeling after all.

Being overstressed is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. I've gone through stress up to the point that I forgot my name for a few seconds and I was just totally blank. Believe it or not, stress has a way of messing with one's mind.

While you might be wondering what stressed me out, I can't really point out at one thing because there are alot of factors responsible for this one trust me. I've mostly been on transit for most of the evening and I had very bad experiences.

Since academic staff Union of universities in my country decided to embark on a warning strike, I decided to visit my sis whom I haven't seen in awhile. I didn't call to inform her of my arrival cos I wanted to surprise her and the kids but it was like she sensed it all and called me instead while I was just a few mins from my house and I had no choice but to tell her, after she promised not to tell the kids.

So I don't show up empty handed, it decided to buy bread for the family so I entered a popular bakery in my school to buy them a loaf of bread. Having stood on the queue and it got toy turn for payment, the receptionist told me that I couldn't use my card cos they were having network issues. I ended up paying with my last cash with the mindset is withdraw. Little did I know that fate had other plans.

After futile attempts to withdraw money from my account, I just realised that I was stranded as I could not take my next bus because I didn't have enough cash on me. I had to beg and explain myself to another driver who allowed me. I was so lucky to have met a kind one else I would have regretted my life.

After that ordeal, I had to deal with withdrawing again because I still had two more buses to board before I reach my final destination and after much trekking I was able to. I couldn't complain as I was more grateful that it had finally worked.

Then came the horrors of traffic. Just when I thought I had scaled through all hurdles I met yet another one. It was bad that I ended up at my destination tired and hungry. I didn't know when I slept off on the couch after waking and I'm struggling to find a place to drop the pen for this article so I can go right back to sleep. I think I've earned it.

I'm sorry I had to write about stress today, I planned on continuing the crazy series today but I will tomorrow God willing.

Author's Epilogue

This will be all from your favourite author today, I have no more strength left in me and need to reboot. Do have a lovely time.

Thanks for reading!

Mhizutty the voice of truth 🎡🎢🎡

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Avatar for Mhizutty
2 years ago
Topics: Expereicne, Stress


You really sound stress. I think you should use today to relax.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's exactly what I'm doing...thanks alot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry about your stresses dear... Honestly,just trekking under this hot weather is enough to wreck someone's State of mind

$ 0.02
2 years ago

As in ehnnn...I'm glad I got to my destination in the end.

$ 0.00
2 years ago