Faced my fears: Day thirteen
Today is or was one of the most stressful days of my life. I can still feel my fingers twitching and somewhat feeling weak from all the heavy lifting and work that it had to do today.
Actually, you should feel sorry for me. But because you don't know the extent to which I have exerted my self today, it would look or sound like I'm telling an amazing forklore just to grab your attention except in this case I don't think it amazing at all.
It's Monday and y'all know how busy the first working day of the week can get. I think I have come to the conclusion that mondays should be hated and detested by all.
It always seem to bring this aura of over seriousness with it. It's like it wants to tell us that it is King just because it is the first day of the week. Classes are usually hectic, so much traffic on the road. In fact everything feels energetic on Mondays. Someone needs to make Mondays cool off a little!
There was alot of energy in the air when I got up and walked to the farm. On getting to the farm this energy was still there as I took alot of foody stuffs to replenish myself each time the energy bar was getting low.
No matter how hard I had the energy replaced, work just seemed to arise from all angles and sap it all out.
I had a feeling that today would be a nice day, bit after so much work and stress I think I change my mind. Today was brutal and unfair. I was just recovering from the bouts of malaria and the welcome I got was work served on a platter of poultry feed formulation!
By the time I had finished this formulation, I was as white as a snowman. I'm sure the only thing remaining were the carrot to make the nose and the three black buttons to finish it off. How I would have loved to show some pictures I took, I can't cos my phone dosen't allow me add pictures from my personal gallery. Surprising right!
I guess I can say that one of the things that made today go smoothly were the jokes we made while working. Maintaining a happy and healthy working environment helps keep one's sanity, mind and peace in check. There's this comfort that comes in because you can take solace in one another.
I'm glad at least that I got to learn alot today. It might have been a stressful day, but it sure was a day filled with lots and lots of stuffs to learn. I'm sure writing so much must be one of the reasons my hands hurt..lol
I'd generally rate today productive. I mean I've been expecting the work from the onset and dreaded it, but now it dosen't look so hard as I thought. I guess the first step to success is winning in one's mind which I've got covered.
Author's Epilogue
As usual, I'm about to sleep and rest for tomorrow. I wish I could take a break but more work lies ahead. Wish me luck!
I've faced my fear today and I'm dealing with it. How about you?
I'd just chip this in, it's funny how we want things to change and not want them to at the same time. We forget that change is constant. Despite all I went through today, I still wouldn't change a thing if I had the chance to.
Thanks so much for reading today! Remember, just as somethings would stay the same, other things will change. The one's that usually change are more than the ones that dont, so there should be no surprise!
Mhizutty the voice of truth π΅πΆπ΅
Monday's is like a Mom waking you up at 4 am so you can prepare for church π