Harmful aspects of fast food and what to do

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2 years ago
Topics: Fast Food

We all need food to survive. Various junk or fast foods that are easily available day by day are emerging as a serious threat to our health. Let's know about their harmful aspects by thinking about our own good health.

If we look back a little, we will see that even before the 19th century almost all our food items were prepared indoors. These raw materials were cultivated by hand and later their processing was done in house. As a result, all natural elements were preserved in him. But nowadays the easy availability of roadside junk food is emerging as a serious threat to our health day by day. Regular consumption of junk food causes people to become obese and suffer from various diseases. So at least thinking about your own good health, but knowing about these harmful aspects, it is necessary to stay away from these foods as much as possible. Today we will know about the harmful aspects of various junk foods.

What is fast food?

Eating fast food is made up of various harmful substances and can cause severe damage to the body and even death. These foods are always harmful to the body. These foods are high in fat, salt and carbonate. Due to these harmful elements the body is damaged in various ways. So these foods should be avoided as much as possible.

What is harmful in fast food?

Fast food contains various unhealthy food ingredients which are very harmful for our body. These are discussed below-

1. Secret or hidden sugars:

Although artificial sugars are used in many junk or fast foods, these ingredients are not usually presented as sugar or sugar. But these ingredients are converted into sugar during food metabolism. These ingredients such as corn syrup, fructose or sucralose contribute to weight gain by increasing the calorie content of food.

2. Artificial or Alternative Sugars:

Due to the use of artificial sugar in many fast foods, the amount of sugar in the body increases more than normal. Studies have shown that sucralose, acesulfame potassium and saccharin are used as sugar substitutes, which are low in calories but cause great metabolic disturbances.

3. Hydrogenated Oil:

Fast food restaurants frequently use hydrogenated oils in cooking. This hydrogenated oil raises cholesterol levels in the body, increases the risk of heart disease and causes other health problems. Commercially packaged foods, especially chips and crackers, are made of hydrogenated oils. So these foods should be avoided. It is very important to avoid giving these outside unhealthy foods especially to children.

Harmful aspects of fast food:

1. Reduced immunity and increased risk of various diseases:

If you eat fast food or junk food, the chances of getting any disease are very high. As these foods are mostly sold on the roadside and are tried to be kept fresh for a long time, they are more prone to spread of germs. These mixed germs can cause various diseases by entering the body. In addition, these foods also destroy the immunity of the body. Therefore, it is wise to refrain from eating various junk foods on the side of the road.

2. Increase in various skin problems:

Fast food is basically stale food. Eating these can cause various skin problems such as loss of skin freshness. Consuming fatty foods makes the mouth dry and crusty. Apart from this, among other skin problems, acne, allergies etc. may appear.

3. Increased risk of high blood pressure or diabetes due to increased body weight:

According to a report by the World Health Organization, the rate of obesity has increased nearly tenfold in the past 40 years. Along with this, many problems like high blood pressure or diabetes have increased. The number of obese people is constantly increasing due to the consumption of junk food. Eating too much junk food increases people's risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Eating fast food has increased the trend of obesity worldwide. Eating these increases the amount of sugar in the blood. Constantly fluctuating sugar levels reduce the functioning of the pancreas and gradually decrease the amount of insulin released. As a result, type-2 diabetes increases the risk of heart disease, painful nerve damage, kidney damage, and Alzheimer's. According to a report by the Institute for Health Matrix and Evaluation, about 17 percent of adults and 4.5 percent of children in Bangladesh are obese. As fast food contains high amount of carbohydrates or sugars and fat, it creates various problems in the body, especially increasing fat. Excess fat accumulates in the body. Due to weight gain, the body loses its normality.

Today's people who are constantly on the move don't even have time to prepare food. Moreover, junk food companies are spending billions of rupees a year to attract attention. Every now and then some restaurants are giving buy one get one free national advertisement. Food discount ads on Facebook promotional posts. As a result, even if we want to survive from these foods, we are leaning more towards this fast food. Junk food is bad for us, no one disputes that. But we should be interested in eating healthy foods even if we think about ourselves. No matter how much dieting or exercise you do, eating these foods will face many obstacles to losing weight. So let's change our perspective a bit. Try to eat healthy homemade food as much as possible.

Why is it important to avoid fast food?

Almost everyone likes to eat fast food. But have you thought how much this food is harming us? Fast food not only destroys our digestive power but also weakens our immune system.

That is why fast food addiction is created

A lot of fat, sugar, salt and a type of ingredient called Ajinomoto are used in the preparation of fast food. Because of this, after eating fast food, our brain becomes addicted to fast food just like drug addiction. Eating too much fast food causes the body to release dopamine, the hormone that causes satiety. As a result, our mother tends to eat fast food again and again

Unhealthy ingredients are used in fast food

Many fast food restaurants use a chemical preservative called TBHQ. The US National Library of Medicine reports that TBHQ causes vision impairment in humans. In addition, laboratory tests on animals have shown that this substance damages the liver of those animals, producing neurotoxic effects. Even the element responsible for animal paralysis. Another group of researchers say that this material is responsible for vomiting and dizziness and even death after entering the human body! In addition, many restaurants use an ingredient called dimethylpolysiloxane in fast food dressings and sauces, so that hundreds of calories, extremely unhealthy fats and sodium enter the body during each serving.

Most harmful to children

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of obesity has doubled among children and tripled among teenagers over the past 30-40 years. And various types of fast food are responsible for this.

What do the experts say?

Doctors and experts say that the artificial and harmful ingredients of fast food spread oxide radicals in the body, making the body fat. This condition gradually worsens and the immune system of the body is destroyed. Besides, eating junk food increases cholesterol, which is harmful for patients suffering from diabetes and hypertension. This can also lead to blockages in blood vessels.

So what is the way?

Researchers and nutritionists say that it is important to make changes in eating habits. In that case, especially during the corona epidemic, instead of fast food, vegetables, fish, nuts, cereals should be eaten more.

Addiction to fast food is increasing

Addiction to fast food is increasing. School-college students and youngsters are more addicted to this food. Although there are various types of fast food in the market, there is no mention of the amount of food calories in any of them. Because of this, people are becoming abnormally fat by eating these foods. Many are suffering from various non-communicable diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension and respiratory problems. From the production of these foods to the market, no organization of the government is watching. Recently, reserved female parliamentarian Nurjahan Begum sought the intervention of the state in this matter by highlighting the harmful aspects of fast food for the protection of children and public health. Later, Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith announced that during the formulation of the budget in the next financial year, attention will be paid to setting a flat tax at a high rate on fast food. The finance minister said that the matter is very sensitive. Fast food is not good for health.

According to experts, there are fast food outlets in front of every school and college in the country. Children and their parents are buying food from these shops. Calories are not mentioned on these foods. Everyone, including children, is becoming abnormally fat by eating them. Various non-communicable diseases including diabetes, hypertension, breathing problems, cancer are being affected. According to them, fast food contains saccharin, tasting salt, fat and sugar. At the same time, the preservatives, chemicals, sugar and harmful colors of fast food cause serious diseases in the body. These foods destroy valuable organs including teeth, liver, kidneys.

Experts in the United States have recently provided a large study of fast food consumption among children and adolescents. According to an article published in the journal Thorax, children and adolescents who eat fast food three to four times a week have a higher risk of skin diseases, eczema and asthma. The researchers conducted research on 181,000 six- to seven-year-old children from 31 countries and 300,000 14/15-year-old adolescents from 51 countries. It can be seen that the risk of asthma, eczema-allergy is 39 percent higher than normal in children and teenagers who are used to eating a lot of fast food. It can also be seen that the risk of nose and ear infections in children is high due to excessive fast food consumption.

Professor of Nutrition and Food Science Institute of Dhaka University. Khurshid Jahan told Inkilab that fast food shops are being built at school-college and road junctions. The number of these shops is increasing rapidly. Even though mothers give tiffin to school-college students from home, they buy it from the fast food shop set up in front of the institution. He said that this trend has increased among students since last 1 year.

Referring to a study in Delhi. Khurshid Jahan said, a study was conducted in 2009 to find out the reasons behind the sudden drop-off and overweight of school-college students. It can be seen that students are eating fast food at home from school and college. As there is not enough space to play, they spend their days at home talking on TV and mobile and playing games. They do not do physical work and sports. At the same time, due to increasing addiction to fast food, there is no attention to balanced food including vegetables and fruits. Food protein and calories are not combined. So getting affected by various diseases.

Dr. Khurshid Jahan moved away from fast food and gave importance to balanced food. At the same time, he mentioned that awareness should be raised about this issue now.

Daffodil University Food and Nutrition Institution Chairman Professor Dr. Belal Haider said, in different countries of the world, two types of calories are mentioned in fast food called hyper and hypo. But it is not mentioned in Bangladesh. It doesn't even mention what ingredients it is made of. There is no opportunity to think about quality. Due to this, people are suffering from various non-communicable diseases.

Diabetes experts say that due to abnormal obesity, the hormone called insulin cannot enter the human body. In this, living cells are destroyed and affected by type-1 diabetes. Their body has no alternative to use insulin. The incidence of this type of diabetes is low. The incidence rate of type-2 diabetes is very high. This type of diabetes can be controlled by changing diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

President of Bangladesh Diabetes Association Professor Dr. AK Azad Khan said that there are fast food shops in front of various educational institutions in the country including the capital. No calorie count is mentioned in the food of these shops. Children are becoming abnormally fat by eating these foods. Due to this, various non-communicable diseases are increasing among children.

Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) found out that the trend of determining the amount of calories in food or writing on the packet has not yet developed in the country. Only infant formula is mentioned about food quality. Mentioning the amount of calories in food is not a national standard. And this is why the manufacturers are not mentioning it.

President of South Asian Endocrinology Society Professor Dr. Farooq Pathan said, 70% of type-2 diabetes can be controlled by changing unhealthy lifestyle. At one time people of 50-60 years were affected by diabetes, but now people of all ages including children are affected. That is why it is necessary to check whether people have diabetes at the age of 30-35 years.

Finally Please forgive my mistakes

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Fast Food


Yes fast food is not good for our health and we just eat good and healthy food

$ 0.00
2 years ago

From the name fast food, we eat to quecnch our hungry sometimes is nearest and preferable to snacks because it holds the stomach

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have worked in a restaurant before, and I must say this is true because I basically watched them add a lot of seasoning to the food to taste without adding a pitch of salt

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are many fast foods that are very harmful to us. That is why we should avoid such foods. But it is true that these fast foods are very tasty. Which attracts everyone. But it is better to stay away from them. You have done some wonderful things. which we should following this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I ate fast food. I know it is not good for health. I am trying to avoid eating junk but it i feel it very difficult

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But it is harmful for our health

$ 0.00
User's avatar Mhc
2 years ago