Silica‼ (Volcanic material) not very well known to the public. But more or less everyone knows about silica bags. After buying any product, you will see that there is a small bag in it. We dropped the bag as soon as we bought it. But that little silica bag protects your favourite product from spoilage. Because it absorbs moisture from the air. And on this bag is written in big letters 'Do not eat'
From now on, if you find this bag in any product, don't forget to throw it away. Because silica bags are used for many other purposes in daily life, a list of which has been published in the British daily The Independent. If you want, you can take a look at these suggestions-
♥️️If you put the phone in the water, there is no hope of getting it back. But the silica bag keeps that hope alive. Put a lot of silica bags in a bowl and put the phone soaked in water in it. You see, all the water in the phone will dry out and the phone will not be damaged.
♥️Many times it is not possible to keep the umbrella in the bag after getting wet in the rain. There is a fear of getting lost if you put it out again. In this case, put a few silica bags in the umbrella packet and put the umbrella inside. You see, the umbrella will dry in a very short time.
♥️Wet shoes dry quickly by silica bag. Even the dampness of the shoes is easily removed.
♥️ After using it for a long time, when you put it in the towel, put it in a folded silica bag. After a few days you will see that it is as fresh as new.
♥️When you go to the gym, your clothes get wet due to sweat. These smell when they are brought in a bag. Spread a few silica bags in this bag at the gym. Wet clothes will no longer smell.
♥️If you want to save the old pictures from being spoiled, keep the silica bag in the folds of the picture. In this way the picture will be good for a long time.
♥️ Spread a few silica bags in the jewelry box if you want to keep the jewelry good.
Thanks for reading...💞
Because silica bags are used for many other purposes in daily life, a list of which has been published in the British daily The Independent.