This is in general. Have you been bothered by too much curiosity?
Well, i do.. but not all the time. My curiosity now depends with my partner, but the rest, it don't bothers me anymore.
Just wanted to remind that as long as it doesn't affect you or the people around you then, just let go. You don't have to know everything on what's been going on with other people's lives. Let them reach out to you, or reach out to them because you care or because you wanted to help or you wanted to be a friend and not because you just wanted something from them and make a hell hole for that person's life.
Remember that not everyone is worth the effort. Try to love yourself first.
Curious has bad and good effects. You can learn new thing out of your curiousity just like kids who discovered themselves and curious about everything. But being curious about some people lives? Dont make it as a habbit 😅 Mind your own business and let them the first person to discuss any matters not you're the one who asked some questions hahaha.