Unfortunately , I almost died

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Written by
2 years ago

Hola crazy dreamers ๐Ÿ‘‹ The weather is still cold and hoping that everyone is doing well right now. I have a slight fever now and my throat is so pain but thanks God after taking some medicine, my body temperature is now back on normal. Let's always protect ourselves especially that the virus is still attacking.

I don't know what should I do, should I run or should I help that stranger? It's vividly seen in his eyes that he really needs help but I also need to save myself or else I will be die. But it's too late because the killer is right behind me, he was going to kill me now. I have no chance to be alive. It's gonna be my last written article and you are the living witnessed of this one. So hide it and never surrender it to that killer or else you will be in danger also.

My introduction is a bit creepy right? But it's actually happened in me. Not in reality but in my dreamland. Seems that my dream last night is the dream that I don't want to happened in my life. No one didn't wish to happened this kind of scenario in their own life.

Last night, I sleep at almost 11PM because I didn't find a perfect position for my sleep. I feel so cold at the same time I also feel hot. That's why I don't know if I will put my blanket to my body or should I remove this. I so irritated on what I'm feeling on that moment. I'm not feeling well but I also don't know what should I do. I just close my eyes and pretend that I'm sleeping. I guess it's a good idea because I able to sleep but...

But in the middle of my deep sleep, I have a dream. Until now, I can still remember every detailed of it. They say that we should not tell to anyone about the bad dream and we should whisper it to the dead tree. That's what my grandma said but I don't know if it's true. I also found my dream as a bit funny so I'll going to share it to you guys.

In my dreams, my auntie asked me to buy soy sauce on the store. Of course, I'll follow her orders so I go outside to buy some. While I was walking, the street light suddenly blink blink blink. I'm not a scary cat but at the moment,my whole body was freeze. I can't move on the place where am I. I tried to step a little then I succeeded. I don't know why but I brought a ballpen and paper in my hands. I immediately write on the paper what happened to me. Then I walked again and suddenly, I saw a 2 person who hostage a young man. The suspects saw me and the victim tries to asked me for some help. I don't know why I also write it on the paper that I'm holding. I write everything that I see.

" Help!" It's the victims shout but I don't know if I should help him because I'm so also scared. I don't want to put my life on danger too. But wait, I also asked myself if why I am not running away on the scene. I only watching them and write everything. Fortunately, I comeback to my sense and I tried to help the victim. But I'm too petite to punch that suspects and unfortunately one of them grabs my hair so I lost my balance. I also now on their hands. But I'm laughing inside mind because I'm still holding the ballpen and paper. The suspects warned me to listen to them and don't make any noise. I followed their order but just like earlier, I also write everything on that sheet of paper. In the end of the paper, I wrote " This gonna be my last article written. If I will die tonight, you will be the living witnessed of it."

I really don't know why I wrote it there. Like what is the meaning of that? I should be only buying soy sauce and why I am here being one of the hostage of this crazy suspects. They saw me writing and they immediately get the gun behind their pockets. I was so scared that time and they thought that I'm leaving some evidence before I died. They immediately hold my neck so tightly and they put the gun directly in my head then the next thing is ..

I suddenly woke up. I checked the clock and it's already 7:30 AM that why the sun rays hits directly at my face. I don't know if I died on that dream but I believe that I almost died. Good thing that I woke up. But the funny thing is even in my dreams, I guess I also a blogger because I write everything hahah. I don't know if I should laughed about it hahaha. Seems that even in the serious circumstances, I still find time to make it funny haha. But I really can't really do that in reality because I'm afraid to the gun. I don't like it and I don't want to heard a sound from it.


My dream is a bit messy because it is actually what happened in my dreams. Good thing that it's only a dream hihi.

Thank you so much everyone especially to those who always find time to show their supports. I appreciate all of that . Mahal ko kayo๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

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Written by
2 years ago


I have noticed that a lot of people here in read are writing about their dreams, including you and me. Just like you, I also had a very bad dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I somehow experienced that, I even dreamed being chase . I was running for my life and I woke up so tired๐Ÿ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a dreadful dream

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad it's only a dream and you're still alive to tell the tale.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes dreams came true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hala, natawa ako. Imagine yung na hostage ka na bhe, yung papel at ballpen hawak2x mo pa rin...Pina dream ka nun para May maisulat ka ngayon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's my first time to hear Langga that if you a bad dream, you shouldn't share it to the others but whisper it in the big tree. It's normal because there are a lot of beliefs. It's depend of a person.

It's so scary Langga. Sometimes we will dreaming like that even me too. I thought it's real, thankfully it's just only a dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahhaa baka sis yung mga details gusto mo isulat dito kya may papel at ballpen ka. Hehe cute.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pahamak yung soy sauce sis, na hostage kapa hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago