The reality of Bitcoin Cash in developing countries of Africa

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3 years ago

Check out few of the challenges we’ve solved with Bitcoin Cash

Some people are afraid to face facts and realities, but when it comes to Bitcoin Cash, we face challenges and address them as they are.

It’s an era of ‘crypto crazy’; a time that common men can easily be lured to a blackhole of crypto misery. For someone like me, it took me nearly 4 years to finally arrive at a solution ground for many challenges facing Africa which emanates from many angles; huge population of unbanked individuals which most of them are local business men and women, farmers, and young entrepreneurs, lack of medical research publishing and access affordable to a continent as huge as Africa, access to portable water, internet, uninterrupted clean energy and good food supply.

As a farmer I recently became more interested in solving problems facing local communities in my geographical location in West Africa, solving those issues would need people that are willing to solve them, value transfer system that can be utilized in solving them etc.

Finding payment system that is acceptable, secure, fast, low processing fee and permissionless stands the first enabling ground for solving many problems facing developing countries as mentioned above. I discovered that Bitcoin Cash has all the qualities mentioned above, and since then, it’s been working perfectly for me.

I do not struggle for BCH adoption, it flows naturally

I’ve solved many challenges in my community through support from Bitcoin community and friends who saw through my vision as an entrepreneur. As I tried solving those challenges with Bitcoin Cash, I noticed that Bitcoin Cash adoption becomes easier for people around me.

Bitcoin Cash Irrigation system in my community

Time may not permit me to detail all the challenges that I’ve able to solve in my community through Bitcoin Cash, but I’ll try and mention few of them. We recently concluded an irrigation system that will supply potable water to a community that really needs it; this community has recorded huge number of cases of people losing their lives to waterborne diseases

Bitcoin Cash water tanker

Bitcoin Cash is really out to solve genuine problems facing humanity, and everyone should also try and utilize this excellent opportunity.

Each problem solved with BCH has good potential for promoting its adoption. I’ll tell you how.

When a problem is solved, it’s expected that there should be a documentation explaining how the issue is solved, that will enable others to easily find solutions to similar problems. I try as much as possible in letting people know how Bitcoin Cash has helped in solving issues in my community which has also become one of the reasons for BCH adoption in West Africa.

The BCH water tanker will convey potable water around many communities, we’ll start with simple methods; accepting BCH and fiat money for the water supply but slashing 50% off for people buying with BCH. This approach would help make people to ask to know more about BCH. I’ve consulted a graphic designer that will help with a bold BCH banner to enable people know that we accept BCH for potable water.

We’re not letting the communities uninformed either; we’re working on Bitcoin Cash House which would serve as hub for training on transferring Bitcoin Cash for payment (peer to peer)

Proposed Bitcoin Cash house in Southeast Nigeria

Due to other Bitcoin Cash organizational work that I’m involved right now at South Sudan, I currently put to hold this project to enable more concentration on Ataka hub, Ataka farms + BCH adoption in South Sudan.

I pay my workers with BCH and show them how to utilize BCH money without converting to fiats

The young man behind me is currently a secondary school student who works in my farm at his extra times.

We’re opportune to come across each other; personally I like dealing with young people that has vision and also willing to work on their vision. These are the type of individuals that understand things very fast and could see the potential better than old people. I pay them with BCH and introduce them to merchants that accept BCH for their services, this is awesome! One of the examples is introducing of young entrepreneurs to Bitcoin Cash for their businesses.

Kelvin is a vibrant entrepreneur that I recently introduced to Bitcoin Cash for his salon and butique business

Now I solemnly pay with Bitcoin Cash at Kelex Barbing Salon, and I can buy clothes and shoes 👞 with BCH. Likewise David my worker who works at my farm; David accepts Bitcoin Cash for working in my farm, and then utilize his BCH at Kelvin’s Butique and Salon 💇‍♂️. This is a wonderful approach that is working for my community which will eventually circulate to the entire state.

You can also support these young entrepreneurs that has adopted BCH in their young businesses. Checkout Kelvin’s blog page below and encourage him

What about others that are without internet, smart phones, and light to charge their phones?

Yes, Bitcoin Cash also covers people in this category. I’ve also carried the experiment and it works! You want to read about that?

Okay, I’ll cover that in my upcoming article; in it, I’ll explain in detail how local farmers and business men and women in rural areas has benefited and will continue to benefit from adopting BCH for payment.

Thanks for reading. I’m still your friend Max.

$ 29.40
$ 20.55 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 5.00 from @SimonBruzzi
$ 1.11 from @Telesfor
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Avatar for Maxdevalue.BCH
3 years ago


It is good to know about BCH, nice said 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for your support friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I see that you are creating a growing community and that you are supporting your countryman as well, I would like to know how much is the minimum wage in the area where you live? I am not asking how much you pay your workers, I am asking how much is the minimum wage that the government legally has set in your neck of the woods.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for coming around. I appreciate your encouragement and comment.

For your question on government minimum wage over here, below link can also help clarify that. But currently should be around $65

$ 0.03
3 years ago

It is supposed to be 30k of your local currency or around $79 monthly that's around $3 a day. With that salary BCH makes sense because you don't have pay too much in fees.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It’s currently not up to $79; looking at current exchange rates 😆 The sight that says $79 may need to review and update their information. That’s by the way. Thanks so much for those idea of paying with BCH. Of course I pay my workers $4.2 a day in my farm, for some I pay more.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you for your article. This is what Bitcoin was created for, not for billionaires like Elon Musk to get richer.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi friend @Telesfor, I’m glad to have you here again. I cherish your comment. Thanks for your support too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's so nice to know that BCH has been helping and so relieving.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bch cash is really helpful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Fantastic bro i love it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi 👋 thanks for commenting, you’ve not written an article for several months now, hope all is fine with you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Man, thanks for pushing me to write an article soon :D actually I have been in jail for 20 days after corrupt special forces kicked in my door to intent extort me for $2000 (paid zero and went on hunger strike, worked brilliantly) and had quite a lot of crazy things happening here in Venezuela, definitely worth an article as i also spread bch inside jail every day to all the inmates even prison guards and paid my expenses inside with bitrefill phone recharges. And now I have the happy end as i am already spreading adoption again in a really touristic area 🤓

$ 0.10
3 years ago

Wow... so sorry for this. You really need to write on this. Its worth telling.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow 😯 so you’ve been into all these? So sorry friend.

Okay I’ll love to read the story in more details here. Thanks 🙏🏽

$ 0.00
3 years ago