How to handle sexual harassment

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3 years ago

"Children are pipes and pipes like hell." - Carla, Ireland.

“Girls keep calling. They are trying to tire you. - Jason, United States.

"He kept touching my arm and trying to hold my hand." - Yukiko, Japan.

"Girls give me suggestive comments." - Alexander, Ireland.

“A boy yelled at me from the school bus. He really didn't want to go out with me. He was just bothering me. - Rosilyn, United States.

A FLIRTATISTIC look, a “compliment” with sexual connotations, an obscene joke, an openly sexual contact; If such treatment is inadequate and repeated, it often amounts to something called sexual harassment. While global statistics are hard to come by, surveys show the majority of school-age teenagers in the United States have experienced this.

What is sexual harassment? Dr. Victoria Shaw's book "Dealing with Sexual Harassment and Gender Bias" defines it as "sexually assaulting someone". . . It can be physical (like sexual touch), verbal (like unwanted comments about a person's appearance), or non-verbal. Sometimes harassment involves rude suggestions.

Much of the bullying in school is likely to come from their peers. In some cases, however, criminal behavior comes from adults, such as teachers. An article in Redbook magazine speculated that the relatively small number of teachers convicted of sex crimes "is probably just the tip of the iceberg".

Women, and sometimes men, were subjected to such abuse even in biblical times. (Genesis 39: 7; Ruth 2: 8, 9, 15) And the Bible made this dire prophecy: “In the last days there will be difficult times. People will be selfish, greedy, proud, and presumptuous; You will be an insult. . . ;; You will be relentless, relentless, slanderous, violent and fierce. (2 Timothy 3: 1-3, today's English version) It is therefore possible, if not likely, that you yourself may experience sexual harassment.

God's vision

It is true that not all young people suffer from sexually aggressive behavior. Some may find it funny, even flattering. A worrying US survey found that 75% of victims of sexual harassment admitted to molesting others. Some adults can make the problem worse by minimizing the severity of sexually aggressive behavior and dismissing it as mere experimentation with children. But how does God see it?

God's Word, the Bible, clearly condemns all forms of sexual harassment. They say we shouldn't invade other people's rights by violating sexual boundaries. (1 Thessalonians 4: 3-8.) Indeed, young men are given a special command to "treat young women as sisters in all chastity." (1 Timothy 5: 1, 2.) Additionally, the Bible condemns "obscene jokes." (Ephesians 5: 3, 4) So you have a right to be angry, upset, confused, and even humiliated when harassed!

What i said

So how should you react if someone bothers you like that? Sometimes a weak or vague reaction only makes the perpetrator tougher. The Bible tells us that when his boss's wife made a suggestion to Joseph, she didn't just ignore her. Instead, he firmly opposed his immoral advances. (Genesis 39: 8, 9, 12) Being firm and direct is the best way to avoid bullying today.

It is true that anyone who bothers you may not have the intention of offending you. What appears to be bullying can actually be a rude attempt to get your attention. So you don't have to resort to rude behavior to stop unwanted progress. Just saying something like “I don't like this type of conversation” or “Please keep your hands off you” can get your point across. However you put it, don't water down your message. That yours doesn't mean no! The young Andrea explains it this way: “If you do not understand your kind suggestions, you should inform them directly. It's often about that. "One company" Enough is enough! "You can do the job.

If the situation worsens, don't try to take care of it yourself. Try to discuss this with your parents or other mature adults. They may have practical suggestions on how to deal with the situation. As a last resort, they might even feel the need to alert school staff. As uncomfortable as it is, it can protect you from future victimization.

Prevent bullying

Of course, it's best not to be a victim at all. What could help? Andrea warns: “Never give the impression that you are interested. Others will find out and the pressure will continue. “The way you dress can play a role. The young Mara says, “I don't dress like a grandmother, but I avoid clothes that draw attention to my body. “Rejecting Progress At the same time, wearing provocative clothing can send a contradicting message: The Bible recommends dressing“ modestly and with common sense. ”--1 Timothy 2: 9.

Your choice of friends will also affect how they treat you. (Proverbs 13:20) Rosilyn observes, "If some girls in a group attract boys' attention, boys can assume that all the girls in the group feel the same way." Carla made the same remark: "If you date people who comment or appreciate the attention, you too will be harassed."

The Bible speaks of a young woman named Dinah who was associated with the daughters of Canaan, where women were known for their relaxed behavior. This resulted in her being sexually abused. (Genesis 34: 1, 2) The Bible rightly says: "Be careful that your way is not stupid but wise." (Ephesians 5:15) Yes, if you are “strict” in how you dress, speak, and interact with, you can be very protective of yourself from being bullied.

However, one of the most effective ways for young Christians to defend themselves against bullying is simply to let others know about your religious position. Young Timon, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, recalls: "The kids knew I was a Witness, which ended most of the bullying." Andrea notes, “It makes a huge difference to tell them that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses. They will understand that you are different from them and have high moral standards in many ways. - Matthew 5:15, 16.

So bothered

As hard as you try, you cannot completely escape from rude and abusive people. But if you are the victim of a persecutor, as long as you are a Christian, you have no reason to feel guilty. (1 Peter 3:16, 17.) If the situation is emotionally difficult, seek support by speaking with your parents or with mature people in the Christian community. Rosilyn admits that it is difficult to feel good about yourself when she is bullied. "Just having company," he says, "is great to talk to someone." Remember, too, that “Jehovah is close to all who call on him.” - Psalm 145: 18–19.

It's not easy to resist abuse, but it's worth it. Consider the example of the biblical account of a young Sunem woman. Although not really persecuted, as the term is commonly understood today, it received undesirable advances from Solomon, the rich and powerful King of Judah. Since she was in love with another man, she resisted these advances. Because of this, she could proudly say, "I am a wall."

Show yourself the same moral fiber and determination. Be a "wall" when it comes to undesirable progress. Let everyone around you understand your Christian. That way, you can remain “faultless and innocent” and be sure that you have pleased God.

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Written by
3 years ago


Timely information...good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sexually competent is any form of unwanted verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct or conduct of a sexual nature with an effect or intent to seek the dignity of persons, in particular where it is about creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, shameful, or offensive environment.

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3 years ago

Great article, I follow you.

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3 years ago

Helpful information thanks

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3 years ago

Well written article dear

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3 years ago


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I love your articles

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I enjoy reading your articles

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