Dreams and their Meaning in Real Life

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Teeth Falling Out – There are many theories regarding the meaning behind teeth falling out. Dreaming about it could mean various things. One could be a sign of insecurity. Insecurity in terms of having a problem with your own self or going through a phase in your life whether growth development or pains or you’re afraid of growing up. Another one could be a sign of loss. Personally speaking, I’ve heard a lot of people talking about a dream where there teeth fall out then all of a sudden heard a news of a unexpected death of a friend or relative.

Being Naked – exposing nudity in public is never a good idea to everyone because of course, it feels embarrassing. Having a dream of being naked in public or a sudden expose of yourself means that you are scared of being off guard. Maybe some reason is to which you have secrets that are too wrong for you to do. It can also be a warning to be ready for what is to come.

Your Own Death – most people say that your life must be coming to an end when you dream about it. But other opinions say that it can be that you have a lot of burden or making sacrifices most of the time and no one seems to notice it. It serves as a wake call to you even though it is really a scary dream.

Killing Someone – not really a dream you might heard but some people dream about it. Although you’re not a serial killer (or probably you are), this kind of dream, most of the time means that something in your life is about to end or something you should let go. Sometimes it talks about a person that you find guilt with or can be you just want to kill someone.

Being Chased – running away from something is really tiring. Even if you hide in the darkest room in the world, people may still find you. And it is really scary. This dream means that you are very stress at work, school or personal life. It can also mean that you are scared or in denial of reality or just done with life.

Drowning – one of the frightening things to ever die is through drowning. Dreaming about drowning in an ocean or any other water body is really petrifying. As the dream itself, it explains how the person can be pressured either physically or mentally. In reality, maybe you are full of paper works or debt and you can’t breathe properly. Real life problems affect what we see in our dreams.

Apocalypse – dreaming about the world ending can mean various things. First can be, an enormous change is about to happen in your life. Not really about the “literal” world ending but rather yours is. Fiery apocalypse means it feels like that your world is losing hope. Zombie apocalypse means that you have lost people who are also lost humanity in them. Tsunami means that you are feeling grief and disappointment about something.

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Dream interpretation is fun to look up online. Ever had a lucid dream? Those can be wild I've had them about 5 or 6 times in my life

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow... this is really eye opening... I didn't know that having each type of dream had it's own meaning in reality. What if someone dreamt of being very successful in life what does that means??

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3 years ago