The Foods I Fell in Love With

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Feb 13, 2022

Food is my love language!

Hello everyone! Chef Mark is here, I've just got home from my work. By the way, I resigned as a regular employee and become a part-timer. Well, 12 hours of duty plus studying exhaust me. Student at night then chef at the morning till afternoon. I would like to share with you some of the special dishes that make me look like this fat Hahaha

The restaurant I worked named Fasta Pasta-Toril located at Toril Davao City Philippines. It was a small franchise restaurant. I will start with this favorite dish of mine, the


The blend of pure riped tomatoes sweetness and sourness are added with the earthy flavor of spices, especially the basil. The muscles and shrimps are toasted in the butter before the sauce was added. Perfect extraction of the seafood taste coming from these ingredients. After that a toss from the pan I mix the pasta and let it dance in the pan. Well, my boss said that we should avoid tossing foods in the pan to do not put sauces on the fire stove. Still, I'm doing it because I enjoy tossing like chef boy Logro and Chef Marcos Ahahahaha. This is how I toss the pan. My hands were in the video!

The next food I want to share with you is a rice meal dish that I always order. Since I'm a Filipino, we offer rice combos also.


The perfect deep-fried ribs boiled in spices of garlic, onion, lemongrass, and other ingredients to make it so soft even cut with our old fork and spoon! It was drenched with lots of gravy to give more flavor and savor to the dish. The gravy was a little bit spicy because of the powdered pepper we used. The ribs were paired with rice and herbed potatoes with green beans that shake with basil for additional aroma. What trick I'm doing is I deep the herbed potatoes and bean in the gravy. Well not just being so obsessed with this dish but every time I have extra money I always take out baby back ribs with extra gravy for the rice. Since I'm a cook, I have the privilege to do so Ahahaha next food is almost like baby back ribs but uses a different flavor.


The ribs were grilled in a high heat then glazed with blended cumin, ginger, and lemongrass mixture. It has a sweet and savory flavor with a little bit of a smokey taste. The ribs were also soft and easy to eat. The meat can almost melt in the mouth! This was paired with coleslaw and grilled buttered sweet corn. I felt bad for other customers because they don't usually eat sweet corn. Temptation is always on my ears saying"Go pick the corn from the dishwasher" Ahahahaha by the way I still took 1 corn this afternoon HAHA! The next dish is quite familiar to everyone because of its spiciness.


What I love about this dish is that the chicken wings are well marinated with lots of Ingredients. Even without the sauce, it tastes good, especially the skin. It's the best when coated in the original Buffalo Sauce that has a little bit of sweetness and lots of spicinesses. Many of the old-aged customers cannot finish this dish because of the high level of spiciness. The side dish is chilled cucumber and frozen sweet pineapples to ease the hotness of the dish. But for me it was perfect that makes me add three more rice!

Now you may ask why does my love language is food? The efforts to make it, the strategies, and practices are enough for me to value every dishes I ate and cook. Maybe it is a simple thing to others but for me, Food is a precious gift that gives joy and satisfaction. To make it more special, eat with your loved ones and share the goodness of every bite.

That would be all and I will be enjoying the food that was prepared by the mother of my partner a sinigang! Thank you for reading, Have a nice day!

Credits to the photo from Fasta Pasta-Toril Fb page

Photo collage is edited through Canva

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @BCH_LOVER
Sponsors of MarCosis


Food is a precious gift that gives joy and satisfaction. To make it more special, eat with your loved ones and share the goodness of every bite.

same here, foods gives me satisfaction and enjoyment too especially when my favorites are serve on the table and most of all when we shared it with my family.

Hi chef mark! Nice to meet you. Friend mo Gemini07 no? Nakita nako imo name sa Iya article Ganiha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello @BCH_LOVER yeah isa to sa mga husngog nkong amigo hahahaha nice meeting you too☺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, mao? Kanindot sa inyong friendship. Enjoy ang pag stay diri

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat! Friends pud mi nila Eurydice and atliah hehehe by the way I just binge-read some of your articles and all of them are amazing! How to be you po

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah oo na introduce mo ni Athaliah sa Iya short post sa niage. Wala ko ka encounter ni Eurydice. Ako daw pud sya e search...Hehe, trying hard pa pud ko sa pagsulat

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why I'm seeing at middle of night🙃 Btw such Delicious and marvellous foods you have. Enjoy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha I'm sorry for uploading this late 😆 yeah thank you for reading ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lami kaayo, Macky..... Pero... Mas lami ko😂😂 . Take care always :) Happy Valentine's Day, Sir. Unta makakaon mi dra soon :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Valentine's Day Euryyy ou ui mas lami daw ka ingon georgie Ahahahaaha kaon dre ug duty sok hahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lamia ana uy, pero di pa ko ka afford run kay was jud kuwarta ayy HAHA, keep safe always sa work nimo , God bless you always... Sana all kaayo si Chef ayy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eme hahaha slemet Gemini07 ngaon lagi ta dre sa payout hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago