Learn to stir a healthy competition

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When the word competition is used, we can say wholeheartedly that we are not new comers to such simple word and what it exactly stands for

Competition however can be seen in my own context of definition as that period of engagement with others which could either be in the area of different kinds of sporting activities or even at ones place of work, at school and other places of engagement.

However, such competitions are expected at all times to be friendly and never to habour down, any form of bitterness in it. what I'm trying to say in essence is that what is to be called competition should always be friendly in order to exhibit that spirit of sportsmanship as it's adviced if situations must work out very favourably well.

What I'm trying to discuss here is not solely based on the sports related aspects regarding stirring up a healthy competition but in our daily life application of it for a better co-existence if the need be.

I've often heard of a time when an individual due to his value input in the assignment or job he's given to do and as such is about been rewarded for taking such a giant stride was worked against so that he doesn't get that reward either by some distant friends or perhaps those who are very closer to him than the others. What do we call that?

One may wonder why a thing like would happen but the underlying truth here is that it does happen in that the person or people responsible for ensuring he doesn't get that nod and the reward might be doing it all because they wish never to see him advance a little bit above them in their places of engagement be it school or their place of work.

What about a person who is really hated all because his contributions brain wise is quite entirely appreciated to an extent that hardly would there be any decision without a consultation of such persons but what you still get in this mordern life is a situation where by such a person is usually under appreciated by those that feel they have already been at the helm of affairs before such a person

and as such would do everything within their best possible to ensure his worth in terms of his brain contributions are no longer needed and guess what, the loop holes are usually created due to that denial syndrome of a right to give the person what he deserves and such actions can lead to far too many worrisome moments and it will surely hit that point of no return if that must continue to be the case.

In a nut shell, what I really do want to drive home here is the fact that hence competitions are done and are rife everywhere and it's appreciated when it's done on the grounds of just to compete alone especially on a favorable note, then it should be just that and at no time should have an element of hatred attachment to it which will surely present us or the competitors with the dangers of missing out on a lot due to the unnecessary and unfavourable competition there be.

Good afternoon, thanks for reading and do enjoy the rest of your day❤️.

All images are from unsplash photos.com.

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I totally concur with your perspective view point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A fair and a healthy competition is all we need to compete favourably well

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am agree with your perspective Maam

$ 0.00
2 years ago