Law Of Sowing And Harvest pt2

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2 years ago
Topics: Sowing, Harvest, Reaping, Learning, Saving, ...

From the previous article preceding this current article, we had started our discussion on how farming could open our eyes to so many things, so many life lessons to learn from this simple act, how every detailed practice has a vital lesson to learn right from the intentional preservation of seeds or even the initial thoughts of going to plant, up to how to harvest would tell more on the stages to success, everything God has created has been in law and accordance with a specific method, a method geared towards educating and opening our eyes to the knowledge we never thought about.

Farmers are mostly wise people, they can tell the time and the season and at such they plan their life base on the knowledge of this time and season, there are days they know it's wrong to sleep so late, there are days its comfortable for them to sleep at will cause the time isn't yet come. There are always the saved produces and crops, unlike many others they don't just eat it all up, they save up so they can plant when the time comes, they save up so they can exchange their produce to currency that would serve a wider range of uses.

Farming talks much about patience and hope. Two virtues to life, it can be frustrating to wait, not knowing when it would happen, and this is the reason some people fall out of place, they've waited so long yet not knowing when it would happen, but soon as they can tell when it should be happening, then there is hope, they can wait, they found a reason to keep trying, more like a motivation. A farmer knows the time it should take for each stages of growth and for each stage that comes, they get a sense of fulfillment knowing its happening rightly.

When it isn't sprouting out as at when it should the farmer has to go over it again, something has got to be wrong, this tell on the need to have a detailed plan, a laid out plan with specific date to it. In goal setting knowing the specific time you want it done is very key. When a fix time isn't known or set, it'll all be taken with levity, instead make the plan and set the time alongside based on your study, based on your understanding of the operational processes, then when there seem to be any deviation one can go back to verify, so we don't keep waiting and hoping amiss.

Saving for the raining day is always a trait for farmers, there are seasons when produce would definitely be at its lowest and there is little or nothing they can do, most of them have learnt the hard way and know they can't afford to make the kind of mistake they once made. Everyone needs to keep eating, keep making sales, keep buying the necessary commodities, but when the season for less outputs comes it wouldn't stop them from being hungry or decrease their need for the basic amenities, all of these must go on and so they need to ensure a way to keep earning.

For this reason it's become a good trait to save up and save well, save when there is plenty so that in the time of few, it would be as though nothing changes, it preaches more about the sacrifice of keeping and not consuming it all, take as much as you need and not as much as you want. The little continuous saving today would grow to become that huge amount that'll serve you tomorrow, however whatever you've consumed today is gone and forever extinct, never to return, so saving is not stinginess, its setting this right for the future.

Satisfaction comes from knowing we've done what we needed to do in the right time. When there is something to do ensure you do it as at when due, the rain and the sun doesn't wait till whenever we plant for it to come and go, they have their sessions, we are the people to conform to their time table, if you refuse to plant before the rain, then ensure you aren't afraid to plant in the rain. If you refuse to get up early to prepare for work, then ensure you have loads of excuses to keep giving out to authorities.

Understanding the times and seasons are paramount to every farmer and so it's a must know to every human, knowing the best time to do it, as there is always a greater rewards in doing the right thing at the right time. Thanks again for reading, Do it at the right time.

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Avatar for Magical_Wrld
2 years ago
Topics: Sowing, Harvest, Reaping, Learning, Saving, ...


I really appreciate this article because my family belongs to farmers, and we are living through farming.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's very lovely and very important to the world in general.. you all are part of the reason we survive better in this world. Food is life ✊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sowing and reaping is a very helpful principle not just in farming but also in life. Save up for the rainy days and you'll have something to use when the time comes. Don't save up and you'll hunger and thirst. I agree with you, farmers are wise people!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks Marts, they are valid principles, things we can take to heart to improve our daily lives with.

$ 0.00
2 years ago