If You Did it, Own Up To It

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2 years ago

Are you someone that takes responsibility or do you look for the best possible way to deny it? True that sometimes we act in a certain kind of way and the results we get for our actions are so unexpected and unplanned for, now what do we do? We have our image to protect, we have our dreams to pursue, we can't be held down by this single mistake, at a moment like this our thoughts are filled with ways to shift blame, finding a way to run out of it, rarely would it matter who and what would be affected when we do not own up to it. All we want to do is to save ourselves first, and save ourselves only.

Soon and very soon we realize that it taking often has it's way of becoming the best choice overtime, for some very sensitive case it's almost impossible to imagine how the tables can turn to ones favour, but still it turns around to our good If we can stand up and own up to our actions and take full responsibility. Life is not controlled by our thoughts, life would continue to be determined by supernatural forces, our actions are another factor but the supernatural can make it less important, so therefore it's best to act right and do everything possible to stay right and it begins with being responsible., Responsible for your actions.

People would create fear to the mind, they can make it seem as though the world has ended and your mistake is going to ruin your future totally, and it truly appears as though they are right, there are many examples they can bring to buttress their points, however they leave out the many more examples that won't push their claims, and so we think more of dodging the responsibility, we don't want to get hooked down. The pressure is too much and we want it all to go away, what would people say, how would my family feel, oh no... and so we do other things to cover it.

Learning to take responsibility for your actions is an attitude that helps on the long run, apart from the integrity it provides us, another good reality is that we secure opportunities, most times opportunities comes in unseen places, in situations we never possible, in situations we would have thought to push out from, so risky to stay one would presume, but in the strangest of places lies the best of possibilities, lies so much opportunities. Only those who stays, having endured the initial brunt during the unfavorable times would enjoy the benefits when it surfaces.

Not to mention the hate it creates to shy away from your actions caused. Just like we've learnt in elementary school that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can be transformed from one point to another, similar our actions cause won't just die down, it can be transferred to another, in other words someone is out there taking responsibility for what you've caused and we don't expect such good samaritan to be happy with your choice of actions. We owe it to our conscience that we take due responsibility for what we have done, we owe it to nature, we owe it to the persons affected and most importantly we owe it to God Almighty.

Its then more annoying when you try to reclaim after what was rejected becomes the chief corner stone., I mean it's very annoying when people return to take responsibility after what they rejected has turned out to be very productive. Sometimes I wonder how shameless some people can be, indeed that is the height of selfishness and being self centered. It's as though they wouldn't think of making amends should it not become productive. It's been a long time coming, should have come sometime anytime but choosing to come when all is rosy is all about wanting your benefits.

If you did it own up to it, take responsibility, clear your conscience, knowing yourself enough to know that your conscience won't allow you do the wrong thing of denying your actions or shifting blame, would ensure we are more careful and taking more rational decisions. Cause if we are dubious in character we know there is always a way out and don't care who takes the fall as far as we are protected, with these kind of mindset and continous deeds our hearts keeps hardening, and we never can tell the extent we can go and the hurt we are going to cause soon, it's better we learn to stay right and do right.

Take responsibility for your actions, especially as adults, access the risks, look at the effects and find the safest possible way out but never shift responsibility, never cause pain to another, best we own up to it and face it head on. Life has it's way of rewarding responsible people, the world we be much better when everyone takes responsibility for their actions whether good or bad. Indeed the world currently is filled with many bad and wrong actions with little or no one taking responsibility, instead blackmailing the innocent and giving more work to the good samaritans we have in the society Is the order of the day. We can do better, we must learn to shoulder the results of our actions ourselves.

Thank you for reading, is gonna be a lovely day, expect the best.

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