You are happy?

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Money, BCH, BTC, Tips, ...

How many times do we not hear or read large amounts of things related to happiness, and it is the unattainable gold of this generation, full of anxiety and worry.

But what the vast majority do not know is that everything comes from within us and to achieve this it is necessary to build our emotional stability.

Because yes, you cannot believe that emotional stability will come by itself, we have to work for it, to achieve all those values ​​that we want in our lives.

Stay and read me dear reader, to discuss some topics below...

Are you focused?

Did you know that focusing and being productive not so much raises self-esteem, but also generates a kind of pleasure or happiness?

Thinking all day about things you like, productive things, positive things for your personal growth, makes you a happier person, so answer this question.

My answer is, yes and no, the truth is that April was a month where I was out of focus, but lately I've been very active and productive not only with my work but with my personal and spiritual progress.

I've been reading a lot, in fact, I'm already on the third book of the month, that makes me very happy.

I am focused on my physical training, this week I took it off and it has worked for me to get enough motivation for the following days.

Do you have a purpose?

Having goals, objectives and purposes fill us with thoughts that in the long term will favor us, because first dreaming of the result of what we want makes us happy, then it will give meaning to all our days.

My answer is yes, I am very focused and I have my goals and dreams well defined and not only that, I am also working hard to achieve it.

Define your life mission:

I think it's a great way to make a before and after for what you want to do with yourself the rest of your days.

For me, the life mission that I have is to show myself that I can be as big as I want, as big as I see myself in my mind, I see myself achieving my goals and my life mission is not to rest until I achieve them. .

Am I doing what I want?

Even though I'm still not doing what I want, I know I'm working to achieve it, maybe it's too early to define exactly what I want in my life since every day we are changing about who we are, but right now, the The world of cryptocurrencies has all my attention and effort, so yes, if I'm doing things to get what I want.

Besides, doing things that you like generates peace, happiness and encouragement, so if I am a little excited working with cryptos.

There is something I want and I'm not doing anything to get it:

Yes, there is one thing I want but I don't feel ready to do it yet.

There is a person that I like very much, my heart cries out to be able to tell him everything he feels, but I know that it is not the right moment, since we are both not willing to start a relationship, we both have different interests and probably neither is in the of the other.

Are there decisions that I don't dare to make?

It can be two things, the first, I am not very good at taking risks, and that the cryptographic world carries a lot of risk, but I am very slow to make decisions when taking risks, since I like control, I am very attached to tranquility And that's where you get stuck.

The other is to tell that person how much I like them without feeling like I'm wasting my time, but I'll wait for things to flow and take shape on their own, although I know that's not possible.

Are there people who support me?

Yes and no, at least my parents support me but many times their support turns into pressure and I don't like to feel that way.

His past failures become present fears that fill me with insecurities and he doesn't like it, but in reality they have supported me, just not in the best way.

Many friends have also told me that I am very good at giving advice and they give me all their support to study.

When will I start doing what I like the most?

From now on, I know that today I decide to build my happiness despite the fact that there are many obstacles along the way, I am going to achieve it because the desire I have to do it is greater than not to do it.

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I hope you liked this article and that you analyze these questions a bit to see how happy you are with your life.

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Money, BCH, BTC, Tips, ...


Exactly my dear, focusing and stay productive can make us happy, and raise our self-steem, and help us to achieve our personal growth. That's perfect that you defined your life mission. I hope one day you can do what you want. Wow you like a person... 😍 I hope one day, sooner than you, he tells you that he loves you... πŸ˜‰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, my main goal will always be to understand myself, and if I really like a person, it's too bad I don't know if a love will grow there

$ 0.00
2 years ago

with good aim and determination can make someone life so happy.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right, that's the key to any kind of success in any kind of situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its very important to have goals and passion to achieve that target ....and most importantly hard work is essential to achieve something remarkable

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good and well-planned objectives will make your path shorter and full of learning

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think passion matters alot in each work if you are doing the work in which you are interested you are happy

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I would dare to say that passion is the fuel to do the job in the best way!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always dream about my success and it put a smile on my face and especially when I start working on it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is very important that you have all the things you want as a goal and that they serve as motivation to achieve them

$ 0.00
2 years ago