It's Another Year To Be Better Us.
It's a good moment to start another chapter in our lives. Some might have some problems with the opening of another year because of the news roaming right now but for me, this year is a good start to grow more. Last year became a challenge for me. I experienced being anxious about many things and I have no one to talk to about the unexplained thoughts I had last year. Apparently, I found another piece of me before the year ends. I found another version of me that dares to come out of his comfort zone, and it is because of the friends I have right now. They taught me that life was not all about being serious and objective most of the time, it is also good for us to enjoy what we are doing so we can avoid things that can hurt ourselves.
Express Me more through arts. This is one of the things I want to accomplish this year. I want to share more here on as I also want to accumulate money for a thing I set to achieve this yearβa new phone. I want to share what life I am going to be and have and planning to be. These are some things I am wondering and reflecting on these past few days. What if I go back to writing? What if I learn more about myself through writing and other forms of arts that I used to do before?Some what-ifs that I am still reflecting about. I know I can do this. With the friends and family surrounding me.
Appreciation and reward. I used to pay our internet bill every month last year until the first term of the first semester. I got exhausted by the tasks we had last term so I had to reflect on what I had to take a break. Of course, I chose my education. I have to chase my dream because it is my dream, I have no choice but to pursue it first because it has been a long journey I fought for this so I must not waste it. Furthermore, not only myself but also the people surround me. I have to give back or at least appreciate them because they are the reason for my strength right now. Especially, a friend that is always there and talking to me every day. I'm glad that I have found a friend like him.
Appreciate things more. In the darkest times where people turn into something most of us don't want to become, there must be someone who can be a source of energy for everyone. I found this idea from a post on a social media platform. I read the comments and they encourage me to come out of my comfort zone. It is not the usual self I used to know but I will explore more so that I can be better than before.
Objective but wiser. I want to have a goal every month. This month, I and a friend set some goals we want to achieve. I set a specific income I want to get for this month. And so for the activities and tasks, I want to do. I believe it could help me to fight procrastination and motivate myself to be an achiever. I mean, why not try more things this year.
Come out of my comfort zone. This is my main goal for this year. With or without a companion to achieve this, I must be strong at any moment in time. I used to be at my lowest last year so I need to be stronger than I was. I started to come out of my comfort zone these past few days and it came to be a challenge to me. At first, I felt uncomfortable as I did some things that I don't usually do. I can't remember that I did a dance cover for a friend. I knew in myself that I don't dance because I am not a dancer. But, because of the eagerness of my responsibility of being a friend, I have done it without any second thoughts and am even proud of myself for doing that. I am willing to hop any challenges for good that I know I will benefit from the most.
This year might be another challenging one for me but I believe this time, it will be easier for me as I apply the lessons I learned from the recent year.
Thank you for reading this article!
You can read my previous articles here:
An Introverted Me In This Peculiar World.
It's Been a While Since The Last Time I Touched a Paintbrush.
Yieee. For sure, you'll be able to accomplish it all, ading. Just focus and be more determined and dedicated, too. Kaya 'yan! Good luck. π