Let's Plant More Trees

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1 year ago

Last week our company launch some of our environmental activities and I never missed to join this year.

For our theme this year which is " The Significant Role of Trees to Climate Change", our first company acivity on the list is The 100 Thousand Trees Program. During the launching, there are 500 seedlings to be given to those who are registered on the list. We are told a week ago that there are seedlings of mango, guava, lemon and guyabano for us to choose. I registered my name under the guava tree but I was given for a guyabano claim stub. I never complain anymore because there more registered before me so I was given another seedling. Though no worries as there will be another activities for adopt a tree until we reach 100 thousands trees to plant.

I only claim my seedling during my overtime break since I have no choice but to render overtime that day. I cannot miss the adopt a tree because it is very helpful and also I want to abide our law in RA No. 10176 that states, "all able-bodied citizens of the Philippines, who are at least twelve (12) years of age, shall be required to plant one tree every year". Planting trees can be of great help because trees help us during heavy rains and floods. Thus I choose to participate on this activity.

We do have Poster making and Slogan Making Contest. Since I am not so good in drawing, I am planning to join the slogan contest since the guidelines are just simple. And we just have to make a slogan from our theme this year.

However, I was more focused on the essay writing contest. Actually, I already finished my draft at work this afternoon. Based on the guidelines, it should be not more than 1000 words and I got only 512 words. But I still have to review it again and again before submitting my entry since deadline will still be on the 19th of May. I do not know if there are cash prizes (I wish there is) because it was not mentioned on our company memo. Yet seeing that it is a contest, for sure there are prizes for it. We just have to wait and see if in what form.

Ending Thoughts

Trees are really important in our planet. Its roots holds enough water and these trees are big help in our planet to last longer. We know that those forest lands before have no more trees and only high rise buildings in it. However when heavy rains last longer it will surely flood the city. So for those lands where trees are logging, let us join forces a begin to plant. It is still not to late to plant a tree. This can be our first step to a big leap in order to fight climate change. So let's plant more trees!

$ 0.14
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for MaeAntoinette
1 year ago


Embracing the noble call to plant more trees not only rejuvenates our environment but also nurtures a sustainable and greener future for generations to come.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It is important that we still protect our trees so that we can maximize the benefits of a greener community.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree with you, the planet needs more trees, more green spaces and fresh air. I think we should use more clean energy and forget about pollutants.

Writing a 1000 word essay is really easy for me, in fact my daily stories or writings have between 500 to 1000 words, regardless of the subject they are.

Good luck with what you propose.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes Sir. I agree with you that we should have more greener space. It is relaxing to have such a greener ambiance around us. Thanks for visiting my article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have some internet connectivity issues currently so couldn't moderate your article quickly to publish. I added you in auto approval list so you can submit your article in Dream bigger Community without any delay.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you so much Sir. Also our internet connection here in my place have some issues sometimes. Its really a great help.

$ 0.00
1 year ago