Being a writer and publishing quality content consistently has been one of the more difficult tasks for me. Writing good content doesn't come easy. Some may think differently but this is true for me. I am not skilled enough to imagine and write, like coming up with a story, fiction, I only write about things I experienced and maybe reviews of platforms I have visited. That leaves me with so little to write about because my lifestyle doesn't offer many experiences as I am not so social, and I spend most times to myself and mostly indoors.
I envy creative writers a lot, and sometimes I ask myself, "why can't I be as good as they?" And I have tried but I seem not to have the needed skills. I have had thoughts of giving up as I am really not cut out for being a writer. But the need to keep earning, and support my little salary to at least take care of some of my family's needs has kept me going.
What does it really take to sit down and come up with an interesting story? Why is it that after 6 months of writing on this platform, I have not improved even a bit? Perhaps writing skill is a gift and not everyone is cut out for it? What can I do to get better? How do I improve? Don't let me bore you with the zillions of questions that have been running through my mind.
One of my greatest challenges is my inability to easily and appropriately put my thoughts into words, not like I have lots of them. I speak (not flaunt though) and understand English, but yet I find myself in this situation. Could it be because I don't read much? I have heard lots of experts say that reading helps one in developing his or her vocabulary and some other benefits which right now, I cant come up with the right words to present them.
I love creativity but I seem that lack that. Some days, I get a pen and paper in an attempt to come up with an imaginary story, but I end up eating chewing of the end of the pen, and the only thing on the paper may be just "Once upon a time". Lol, just kidding about this. But I hope you got my point.
This can't be writer's block. It's probably just me not being good enough.
In the last three days, I have not been able to publish anything If interested. Though I have published as many articles: the first one was on the nomination round of my little Patronage initiative, then a post on "Iwa Akwa" ceremony which I attended in my hometown and finally a post on mining coins on Bee Network. In all, none is creative or interesting.
For hours, I lay on my bed thinking of what to write next, but nothing is coming up. I have even visited some blogs for ideas but haven't seen anything that interests me and I can confidently write on. Why me?
One thing is sure, I am good at sport-related articles, football in particular. But, most users here don't appreciate soccer, the posts get a little traction and the earning has not been encouraging. All my sports related articles have never earned up to a dollar, mostly around $0.5, that's if it earns at all. It just seems that the bot has been programmed to frown at sports related articles, well, this Is not true but just the thought of a bored wannabe writer.
Talking about earning, my earning has been very slow, the bot seems to be angry with me and I wonder why. And it also seems the platform has gotten more strict as I have noticed a lot of comments that look genuine but are automatically moved to spam and I have read a lot of users complaint on our sister platform about the slow earning. Guess I am not alone on this. I hope for a turn around to good fortune. Not good to start the year on a negative note on my darling platform.
I will have to end here so I don't end up boring you with the tales of my challenges. A little update: I have been on leave, and I travelled home to spend a few days off with family. I was able to see some old friends and witnessed one of my community's best cultural event, the Iwa Akwa ceremony. I plan to return tomorrow to resume work on Monday. I will share some pictures and video clips of the ceremony in a later post.
If you read to the end, thank you for the patience and for sticking with a boring me. I'm still thinking of things to write about, I would appreciate some suggestions or ideas to help get me started.
And about the title of this post, I just couldn't come up with something better, you can suggest something better and I will look into it.
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You write well though. I already told you that but you just don't vary your content much. That which can be achieved through practice and reading