We all need to have a specific goal to be successful in life. This is sad but true that according to the results of research, very few of us have set our goals.
We wrote the paragraph 'Aim in life' many times in our childhood. We also wrote about our dream of becoming a doctor or an engineer. But day by day our dreams have changed. Because we did not set our goals then. Today we learn some S.M.A.R.T techniques for goal setting.
SMART is an established goal setting method that gives criteria to guide you to setting, planning and attaining your goals - in business and personal development.
The first thing to know is what each letter of the word SMART means. Each letter in SMART refers to a varied standard for assessing objectives.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Time-bound
Many of us ask, 'What is the purpose of life?' In answer to such questions, We say 'I want to do a job'. This is not a specific goal. Where and what kind of job you are interested in should also be determined.
Our goal should be to be measurable.
What cannot be measured cannot be improved - Peter Drucker
Suppose a man wants to lose weight. But if he does not know how much weight he will lose, then it will not be possible to measure it.
We often set goals that we can't meet. Many of us have a habit of picking up books the night before the exam. But we should just revise the night before the exam. So you have to check well before setting the goal. Is it possible for you to achieve it or not?
Whatever the goal, it must be realistic.
'We overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade'
- Matthew Kelly (From the book "Long View")
If we say that we will finish all the reading by today. It is never possible. It will take a lot of time and effort. So when setting goals, it should be in line with reality.
In order to achieve the goal, you have to work within a certain time. You have to write down in a diary what you will do in a given time. Next, he has to act accordingly.
Closing Thoughts
Often, individuals or businesses make a vague goal with no sense of direction, thus setting themselves to failure. SMART goals help correct this by making the I individual or corporate goals specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. In this way, following the SMART method can give you nudge you further, give you a sense of direction, and assist you to organize and attain your set goals.
Written by @Meher89
@Jane reminds me of your post. The one with the SMART concept. Or is it you, or someone else?