What will you do if you have a Keys and this keys have it's own magical power? Keys that can bring you to different Places, Keys to control someone, keys that can make you a ghost and many more magical powers.
Greetings to Everyone who is reading this right now. This Magical Keys that I will be sharing today is based on the movie that I watched last night, Locke & Key Season 2, You can watch that movie on Netflix, You will Never be regret in that Movie. In the movie, there many Magical Keys in there ancestral house, Keys that possesses different Kinds of Power according to it's Purpose. And without Further Do, Let Us Start!
Uses it to travel around, If you have this Key you can travel where you want to go. If you want to go in Japan, just imagine that you where going to Japan, Use the key in different doors and Voila! You are in Japan.
This Key not only does it bring your reflection to life in the mirror but it also seems to beckon the user into its mirror world so it can trap them there in a sort of Prison of the Self, with seemingly no way out until someone else comes to the rescue. You can just enter the Mirror Key in the Mirror and Voila! You can see another You calling you to enter in the mirror, it might deceive you and decide you to enter and it might prison you inside.
Like the name says, this key acts as a matchstick, allowing users to set fire to whichever location or thing they want, by simply striking the key against it like you would a real matchstick. It’s one of the few keys that doesn’t require a door or even a lock, and it’s useful in that it can be used tactically. You can just rub the key in the particular place you want and it will create fire.
The key with the most iconic design — a key with a head for its “handle” — lets its user travel into a person’s mind and explore their feelings, their subconscious, and their memories. It also lets you store items within your mind, which means you could leave a whole textbook in there and suddenly gain its knowledge. Of course, like most of the other keys, it also comes with a few drawbacks, as not only do users run the risk of being trapped within their own minds, but memories can only be recalled as you experienced them, which means not everything you see is to be trusted.
This key allows the user to leave their physical form and exist solely as a spirit, undetectable to human senses. But while this allows for plenty of opportunities to spy on other people, it also comes with some very big caveats. The first is that it can only ever be used on one door in Keyhouse, and that it must remain open the whole time the spirit and the body have been separated because if it shuts you’ll be trapped indefinitely appearing dead to whoever finds you. (Keyhouse- where the family lockes live)
Not only does this key activate a magical music box, but it allows its wielder to turn another person into their puppet by controlling their entire body. Granted, much like the rules around the Anywhere Key, the person being controlled must actually hear the music playing. You can control someone you want to control, they will be doing what you want them to do.
Perhaps the most pivotal key of all, this one allows the user to change their appearance, and change that of others as well. The person using the key can transform into someone of a different gender, race, age, and even weight, meaning its capacity for chaos is endless. You can be the person you want to be if you have that Key.
This one works in tandem with the Mending Cabinet, as broken objects must be locked inside, so they can be fixed and once again emerge whole again. Sadly, this does not work on dead people. For example, you have broken eyeglasses you can just put it in the Mending cabinet and Lock it and open it again using the Mending Key and Voila! The broken eyeglasses are fixed.
This must be placed in the Crown of Shadows, which then allows the wearer to control a host of shadow monsters, with all of them taking whatever shape the wearer wishes them to. However, seeing as they are still made of shadows at the end of the day, any source of light quickly destroys them.
There are many more Keys aside of this, only this key I chose to share because if I will include in all, it will a long article.
Authors Message
In you, If you have this Key what will you do? Or you choose 1 Key to have, what key you will be choosing?.
We know that this Keys are just fictional but relate it in real life, You will be using it as an advantage or in negative way?. You can Choose good way and bad way.
For me, If I can choose one Key to have, I will be choosing ANYWHERE KEY, I want to travel to different countries and by using that Key, I can go there anytime.
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For me i will use the O-key hahaha kasi gusto ko yung palagi akong okay joke lang 😁