I'm Addicted To Social Media!

16 73
Date: 11 October, 2022

'Article No: 99'

'Topic: I'm 'Addicted To Social Media!'

Hello my lovely friends from Read Cash family, how are you all?

Hope you guys are okay, I am also okay. I am in my hostel now and I have got my exams so close. I have collected my Admit Card from our college and it's one more day to sit for my exam.

First exam is about the historical side of our country and I have studied less that book! Well, it is basically hard the to read the history books when you are a student of Physics, you have got to remember all the things deeply from your major subjects.

Still I have got to prepare my self with the questions, though those are hard to remember and full of many information. Hope I get common questions and deliver them from my brain correctly.

Addicted To Social Media!

You guys maybe know that, because I have shared in my past articles that I only used Read Cash and Noise Cash as my only social media, but don't know how I got involved with the other social media like Facebook & YouTube. As my exams are so close, I was trying to play games less and uninstalled them several times but I was not able to stop using the Facebook and YouTube at all.

But I really want to stop using those and wanted to be regular here as much as possible. But when my last noise account stopped working about one year ago, from then I have tried to establish one but never got success at all. So I am on here from then as you guys can see me sometimes. Exam is the only reason of my being inactive here.

I can not Uninstall them!

Well, though I try to avoid using those but I can not uninstall them because I am alone person, without friends in real life. So if there is any update of exams or any needy thing I will be lagged from it if I do not check my ID regularly, so I can uninstall them. But I know these two are eating my time, my important times of studying, and I can not stay off from these. But I am trying a lot you know!

Also these social media are taking my attention from study and I can not even study peacefully when there is charge in my mobile, lol! Hope that I can less use the social media and save my time for study and writing here too.


Whatever, it is my fault that I used those social media for entertaining my self by watching videos and also played games. But as I said I have uninstalled the games from my phone and trying never play them in my future. And I will also try to avoid the social media, specially when time is precious for me.

Sponsors of MD_Tibro

Thanks to my lovely friend @BCH-lover for renewing the sponsorships.

Hope you get blessed with the BCH rains in your wallet.

All the photos are taken from Unsplash.com !

$ 0.35
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Alther
$ 0.05 from @Sonali
+ 3
Sponsors of MD_Tibro


Before, I was also addicted with other social media like YouTube and Tiktok but when I found another earning platforms and trying to earn more so we can have something to use especially these days that inflation is happening, I seldom visit those social medias.

You're always welcome my friend. I miss your presence here.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well, I think I should also apply that, why not share some earning platforms with me? IT WOULD BE HELPFUL for me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is normal to be addicted to social media.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah it is normal but when I should focus in my study then it feels bad.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yea that's true. I am also addicted to Instagram and Facebook, watching reels all the day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well, I am trying to less use and you should try that too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Same here. I got addicted to it so much. It makes me so unproductive and lazy every day. I tried controlling it but I just can't uninstall it. I tried keeping myself busy but the more that I keep longing to use it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah we are all affected. We should less use by the way.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Me too friend I am addicted in Facebook and TikTok applications and I couldn't uninstalled it but now I give some limit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Tik Tok is more addictive to I just don't use it, lol! Limiting is a good decision.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes that's true friend. It's better that there's a limit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah it is better but if you can stop using then there is another time saving thing will be happen.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes friend I agree too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exams are near. You have to get out of this addiction and give your full attention to your studies. To waste time now is to go backwards. Make use of every second. Best wishes for your exam. Inshallah you will get good results if you read carefully.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for your wishes dear. I am trying to get out of this addiction die hard.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Inshallah you will be able to get out of this addiction.

$ 0.00
1 year ago