Before we dive in for the second installment of can you spot the difference. A quick exercise from what we learnt in part 1
Which of the following is correct? a or b
If you picked option b, you are incorrect and it will probably be a good idea for you to read the first post in the series. The link is provided below
In part 2 of the series we will be looking at another set of words which to the average English speaker appear to have similar pronunciations but with different usage or applications. Let us commence.
We will begin with the duo of affect and effect which was pointed out by @fun_wine_mom Affect, Effect
Affect refers to making a difference while effect usually implies a result or bringing about a result.
His life was affected by his father's death ☑️
His life was effected by his father's death ❌
The rise in crime was effected by the pandemic ☑️
The rise in crime was affected by the pandemic❌
The crime rate was affected by the pandemic ☑️
The crime rate was effected by the pandemic ❌
Censor, Sensor
While censor means to perform a regulatory function or screen ,sensor implies to detect or measure. See examples of proper and improper usage in the sentences below.
The content of social media allowed in some countries is censored ☑️
The content of social media allowed in some countries is sensored ❌
The building was fitted with smoke censors to prevent fire outbreaks ❌
The building was fitted with smoke sensors to prevent fire outbreaks ☑️
Cite, Site
Cite usually denotes being made reference to or praised while site refers to a location which may be physical or a website. See examples below:
Al Khwarizmi is cited as the father of algebra in some texts ☑️
Al Khwarizmi is sited as the father of algebra in some texts ❌
The proposed site for the factory was flooded ☑️
The proposed cite for the factory was flooded ❌
Ascent, Accent
Ascent is used to describe climbing to a height or rising through the air. Accent on the other hand denotes a unique way of pronounciation or emphasis. The correct usage is shown below:
The climbers ascended Mount Everest ☑️
The climbers accented Mount Everest ❌
The foreign student has a nice accent ☑️
The foreign student has a nice ascent ❌
Cause, Course
The former referes to someone or something that results in an action or incident.It could also denote a movement or principle. Course on the other hand may be used to refer to a path, route or direction. In Academic circles it denotes a series of lectures culminating in an examination. Let's see proper and incorrect usage of this duo in the sentences below.
The activist applauded the crowd for coming out to support his cause of abolishing arbitrary taxes ☑️
The activist applauded the crowd for coming out to support his course of abolishing arbitrary taxes ❌
The cause of the accident remains unknown ☑️
The course of the accident remains unknown ❌
Fare, fair
Fare is usually used in situations that relate to payment while fair denotes lack of discrimination, a periodic sales gathering amongst other meanings. The examples below hopefully will help point out the difference between these two words.
The bus conductor asked the passengers to pay their fares☑️
The bus conductor asked the passengers to pay their fairs❌
A food fair was held in the village❌
A food fare was held in the village☑️
Differentiate, Differenciate
This last one isn't actually a pair but one of the two words is a spelling error. Can you spot which of them is incorrect?
The right word to use is differentiatedifferenciate. After a careful search of my dictionary, the word differenciate was nowhere to be found. This confirmed my hunch that the word although in common use is actually differentiate being improperly spelt. I probed further and asked Google. The search results confirmed the findings of my dictionary enquiry.This is also the opinion held at
That will be all for this installment. Remember to share with others if you found this article enlightening. Remember sharing is caring.
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