Things We Should Never Do on Social Media

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3 years ago

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, these are just one of the many social media apps that every person were so into these days, I'm aftraid I am one of them. It is because were are now in a modern world, modern world means technology rules. In every move we make, we tend to post it on social media. The things we acquire, the gatherings we get into, even the food that we were having, we post it all on social media.

Because of these, many people, I would say bad people use those photos to their schemes, to scam other people. Some of them would pretend that they are the one who's in the photo and would make other people to fall in love with them and then will ask for money.

So, here are some tips that we should not do or probably refrain ourselves from doing it.

  • Don't discuss your private matters on social media. You don't know who is reading or listening.

  • Don't befriend everybody who requests to be friends with you on social media. Cyber-stalkers have ruined privacy and the reputation on the internet.

  • Don't fall in love with anyone on social media. They could easily be predators prowling on you. This is very common now a days, many uses social media to find their true love. Some became successful and lived happily ever after, but mostly, it ended tragically.

  • Never share compromising photos on social media. No matter how you trust or love the person, never ever share those photos. They will definitely be shared all over the internet.

  • Don't store your password or security credentials online. The database could be hacked.

  • Don't advertise your expensive buys on social media. You could attract thieves or even robbers.

  • Don't advertise your kid's achievements on social media. Malicious people could ruin their lives. I used to do this but not anymore.

  • Don't post your private family photos all over the internet. Someone could use them to ruin the lives of your loved ones.

We should understand this about life....

  • Not everyone is going to be happy for you, and that is a fact! They maybe smiling in front of us but cursing us when we are not around. Sad but true.

  • Most of the "comments" you get on social media are fake.

  • There are people who just hate you for no apparent reason.

  • People are not what they seem like. The internet has been infiltrated by cyber-stalkers who could be your ex or your next door neighbor.

  • Up to 50% of social media accounts could be fake according to some statistics.

  • You don't know who are saving your pictures and checking your updates.

  • Social media is sometimes the devil's eye, mouth, and ears.

  • You are just attracting jealous people into your life every day you look attractive.

  • The more you expose yourself publicly online, the more you are treading on dangerous grounds since this could attract evil people who could ruin your life, family, marriage, or career.

Think before you click!

Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts on this by simply leaving your comment below! @Luna09 ❤❤❤

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Written by
3 years ago


These are useful tips, everyone must be careful when posting pictures on social networks, you should not share anything in person, nor write about your private life in posts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your idea sir. And also fo the upvotes.

Btw, your comment is hidden. I just click it to see your comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm actually kinda addictive to my gadgets and also, I always keep on posting on my social media accounts not until I meet Before there is always social dilemma but I can control it now. Your tips can really helps because I'm also applying it to myself. I enjoy reading your article :>

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I actually do the same thing until I joined

$ 0.00
3 years ago

"use your time wisely" that's my favorite quote as of now haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good for you😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago