When Potential Clients Praise You...

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Avatar for LucyStephanie
1 year ago

Have you ever been told you're such a hardworking person? Do potential clients and even work colleagues say how you're industrious? If yes then welcome to the club! πŸ˜‚

Well of course I'm not sure how many of us belong to this "club". Am not even sure am happy to be in it. πŸ˜†

I don't remember when exactly someone first told me I'm a hardworking person. Perhaps the earliest I can think of was back in college... Someone told me I'm an industrious person when I told them about something I did.

Can't recall the details now but I was visiting in the province back then. Not sure if it was just due to his lack of words or if it's a genuine compliment. Who knows...

Anyway I've heard the same thing a few more times over the years. I don't think saying such is a regular/popular thing though. I rarely hear people say it to anyone. So maybe I am indeed getting complimented eh? πŸ€”

Why did I write this article, you might ask. Hah, unexpectedly I just heard it again yesterday. πŸ˜…

After Monday's disappointing work turnout, I was able to get in touch with another potential client the next day. Got his number from a social media company account. Of course I texted him first to ask if I could call regarding a proposal.

He agreed so I called him and briefly explained what the commercial lots in the upcoming mixed use development is about. Eventually he was also able to tell me directly what they usually do in their business. It was another rejection but at least he still said I can send him the project proposal via email.

Aside from that he started some small talk and voila, I heard the "magic words" again. The man said I'm so industrious and wondered if it's because I already have kids and such. Uhmmm. πŸ˜… I don't really know if I should take that as a backhanded compliment or a genuine one.

Everybody works, whether a man or a woman. Would he have asked me such a question if I was a man? I dunno. Was the guy saying such because nobody else, especially other female property agents, have dared contact him with a business proposal? I have no idea too. (Maybe I should ask them next time huh? 😁)

Now that I think about it, you know who I would rather hear it from? I'd prefer a "thank you for your hardwork" from the management / admins at the company I work for. That would be like music to my ears if it happened. Alas!...

Anyway I just took the potential client's words as a compliment even if I'm still unsure. I am grateful there are people who see how I work. Why, even former colleagues have mentioned the same "magic words" to me. Nevermind if it was because at one point someone needed property details for their client/s. πŸ˜‚

That person was obviously trying to flatter me so I would provide her some information. And then what did she do after receiving everything? She dared to not reply to any follow up messages I sent her. πŸ˜‚

Well yes those two situations are different but I don't really need such praises. What I'd truly appreciate the most is when someone actually lets me assist them in acquiring a property.

Getting a sizable commission is the best compliment I could ever have for all the hardwork I do. 😁 β™₯ That's the ultimate appreciation, imho.

Image from Giphy

Of course I always express my gratitude towards the hardworking/industrious compliments. However, again, those sound kinda empty to me. Hearing such words won't feed me nor pay my bills.

Somehow being praised like that by those people sounds like they're telling me "you're wasting your time". Like, all my effort is just a waste. Won't you feel like crying if that's the case? πŸ€” Makes me think they are secretly telling me I'm working too hard for nothing.

If I made beautiful pieces of artwork and had an art exhibit, I would most likely accept their praise. Gladly. I would also feel proud of what I've created. But a real estate career is mostly a thankless endeavor if nobody purchases what you're selling. Especially if you have no salary and still do the work for months, you will not be happy with those compliments.

Well that's just me. How about you?



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All images are from Pixabay.

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1 year ago


Lol! Just take it as a compliment and don't overthink :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ah well you know... haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Such kind of words give us encouragement, that's good you heard it from your client.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hehe. Ok then.

$ 0.00
1 year ago