Start of a New Trainee Adventure!

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2 years ago

I finally have better and happier news. Haha. Yesterday I was feeling a bit disappointed from having been "removed" from the other department. Actually it is more appropriate to say my on the job training (OJT) with them just ended after more than two weeks.

It is kinda shocking though because there was never any kind of warning or word that it would end after said time frame. This is why it feels like being evicted from Big Brother's house. πŸ˜… If you haven't read what happened feel free to read my previous article.

Anyway since the head manager is away, there is another manager that replaced him. This 2nd manager is the one who then processed my next OJT assignment. Hehe. It looks like my next one will be just mainly me in charge of things as opposed to having some people teach me what to do.

Oh this is definitely what you call levelling up. πŸ˜… Can't believe they are giving me a so-called "second chance." Of course I will be doing my best again. It is good I can learn more from different departments because I plan to go abroad soon.

Somehow maybe I have not accepted that I am really in this new industry. I mean, come on, this is where I am now but it feels like I am still not fully committed to this. Just because of the salary and tips I learned from a reality show I am now working here? Also there are many chances to travel to various places but of course it's probably all work even if I can visit said places. Uhmmm. πŸ€”

As a super newbie to the industry the people I work with does understand I am perhaps having a hard time adjusting to all of this. All the feedback I have received even from the new manager is almost the same: My introvert self should take a back seat and say goodbye. πŸ˜‚

Well of course I will not completely be a different person immediately. Nobody can change overnight (unless you have split personalities. Haha.). To some perhaps they see that I am struggling but they still encourage me to not give up. That's the good thing with the workmates I initially started working with, they tell me even if my internship to another division has ended, I should not lose hope. Awww. πŸ’• I guess I'm not so terrible as a newbie after all.

With the next department, being in charge of everything soon means nobody else will supervise me except for the department head. Whew. Everything I learned from the first two divisions will probably be tested in this third one and more. Oh I am kinda excited and apprehensive at the same time.

The best part is, I may be able to have the chance to work in Manila by December instead of faraway Batangas. Hahaha. Omg. That would make my travel time easier and faster too! I will also have a more convenient life because I would be living in the city everyday again!

The only bad thing about that would be the polluted air. πŸ˜… Also the view won't be as nature filled and relaxing as here in Batangas. Awww. πŸ˜… We really can't have everything eh?

I guess this might mean I won't have a week of rest but I'm still hoping I would. πŸ˜… Like yesterday, we went home early at around past 3 pm. We went to work past 9 am. Wow right? πŸ˜‚ On top of that it only takes a few hours and the work is done. With my coming back it meant more of us working on everything. No wonder the work was finished in a short time. Haha.

Upon coming home I was able to do my laundry too! Isn't it amazing? Hehehe. I had more time to myself and personal chores. That's something I really appreciate now as opposed to during my first week of OJT. πŸ˜‚

At least now my body can finally rest more. I won't be thinking of quitting everytime some parts of my body feels painful. πŸ˜‚ When the work is back to back and quite often I really get tired. πŸ˜… However once my skin infections are gone I'm hoping it won't be that tiresome anymore very soon. We'll see if it changes.

Even the occasional hand numbness that suddenly appeared is gone. Maybe because I got a full hard body and foot massage on my rest day. Hehe. Perhaps that helped a lot.

Anyway for sure I will write more about what will happen soon. For now I can say that God is good because the requests I make are granted. Now if only the affordable fully furnished resale Manila studio condo is also bought by someone this month then that'd be really great. πŸ˜†

Tomorrow I will learn more about what the arrangement at the new department will be. For now I will just take it one step at a time. I will not get too excited or expect much yet.

I really want to be able to work abroad though. Just the salary alone is so worth the work, what more if I get big tips? And then I would be able to see other places in the world too! Ah such a dream eh? Let's see what will happen next and if I can get two days off per week again.

How about you? Any new "adventure" you will start soon?



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All images are from Unsplash.

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Avatar for LucyStephanie
2 years ago


wow naman so talaga ngang totoo na when another door closes itself on you , you don't have to worry for there will be other doors to open up for you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen , God is good. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything happens for a reasons sis. Everything has a purpose. No matter what happen. Fighting always sis!πŸ’ͺ

It's my dream too to work in other countries and travel there but I am so weak sis. I always have an illnesses so I think I'm not fit to work there since it's far away. God bless you sis.πŸ™πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww that's hard if you have a weak body. Perhaps you just need to strengthen it with our all natural superfoods drinks. Guaranteed and proven personally too. But of course it depends on your body condition as well. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sis I'm weak that's why I'm afraid with the vaccine and I'm taking always a vitamins and doing exercise too sis. Thank you so much for your concern sis. I appreciate it a lot. I will sis. Thank you again.❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah, sometimes vitamins and minerals is not enough. Need m tlga ng mga superfoods sis. Try m kahit mahal ang fresh fruits and veggies. Or yung sa amin 15 in 1 na yun, sulit tlga. Hehe. Sige good luck. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis. Meron din ako mga fruits and veggies sis..

$ 0.00
2 years ago