Its almost 3 or 4 days already when the rain starts and until now its still pouring. Haven't watched the news but according to others there's a habagat that makes the rain continue to fall. Hope everyone is safe.
When I woke up at 5:30 am my father messaged me that there was an earthquake happened at 5 o'clock, he is in his barracks and they feel it. He says its quite strong to the point that they feel wee (borrowed this term to kuya @TengoLoTodo) dizzy. I asked if he's okay, im relieved when he answered yes. Thanks God.
This article of mine has been in my draft for two days, if im not mistaken hehez. My brain doesn't really cooperative right now because of the cold weather, it always think about going to bed huhu. No, i just woke up again a while ago! Enough thinking sleeping thingy. I will finish this one okay. Okay-says self. Good.
Before I start let me share this to you guys hehez. Who knows what is this and what it is doing there in our floor? Well, this metal container called "Kaldero" (cauldron) saves our house not to be filled by water. There's a leak on our roof i dunno maybe because of the leaves from trees that stuck on the roof stopping the water from running. My father is the one who always clean our roof but he's away from us so we couldn't go to roof and clean it, its dangerous another thing the ladder already ruined. So we have no choice but to put this metal container here to catch the water. Thanks to our kaldero! :)
To my fellow read users, upvoters, active commenters and likers, I would like to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You guys really help me a lot.
To my sponsors, THANK YOU for your support. THANK YOU for renewing your sponsorship to me and keep on motivating me. Seeing your logo makes me feel more energize and motivates me to do better each day.
I'm not bidding my goodbye guys don't worry hehez. I just want you to know that I appreciate all of you. I just want to express how grateful I am to be in this platform and to meet awesome and wonderful beings here.
Thank You
This words are free to say, we are free to use this whenever we want to express our gratitude to someone.
This words are very important. It shows how someone appreciate others who did or give something to them.
This words means a lot to me. This is what i say whenever i received something or someone do good to me.
I love saying thank you and receiving thank you's.
This one happened last Wednesday, I'm struggling to pass my activity that is due on that day at 11:59 pm. And i finished doing mine at around 9 o'clock pm. We need to save it to google drive that our professor made for our section. I got problem in passing my activity because there is no plus sign in my gdrive, if you are familiar with google drive you will get what i mean. The plus sign button means you need to click it so that you will able to save your work in the folder but how can i save mine if there is no plus sign? I got nervous and want to cry that time because its already 1 hr and i didn’t pass yet my activity. I message lot of friends to send me help, even in our gc. I only using a mobile phone that is why im struggling to pass it. Fortunately, one of my classmates offered me a help, he volunteered to save my file in gdrive so i send it to him at gmail. Whoo, i feel relieve that time i thought my effort will be wasted, i thought i won't going to pass my work. I'm thankful to my classmate. I say thank you to him. And i mean it very well.
My father asked me if i have P100 in my gcash but i only have P2.00 balance hehez even send him a screenshot. Good thing i have my earnings in bch in my coins wallet so i told my father that i will going to send him a P200. This was his respond, he said thank you to me :) Thank you to readcash and noisecash i will able to give my father a penny.
What I'm trying to say here is that saying thank you to someone or anyone won't hurt us and it does not degrade our dignity. It helps the world have peace and love. It makes someone smile.
When to say thank you?
When someone give you something, be it a material or not that makes you happy.
When someone offers you a help. Big or small, its still a help.
When you appreciate the effort of someone to you.
When you feel the love of someone to you.
When you ride a jeep and you struggle to go inside but someone held your hand and guide you. Or when you pay your fare and someone reach it and gave it to driver.
When someone cook something for you.
When you ask a favor to someone.
See there are lots of reasons to say the word THANK YOU.
We should say thank you to our parents who raised us well. To our teachers who teach us good manners and right conduct To our friends who always there in good and bad times. To our loveones who never leave our side through ups and down. And ofcourse To God, who gives us life and bless us everyday.
Let us bring this words wherever we go :)
Lead image was taken and made by yours truly.
Good one. One thing I would always never forget is to give thanks to God almighty and those who deserves appreciation.
Gratitude is one way to earn more.