It's time to give up

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Avatar for Love_16
3 years ago

Never give up. This is a tag line which most of us believes and lives in but it's also wise to say that there are times when we will came to point when we have to give up on something or someone. It is are to say that it isn't out of a spur of moment. It is something that must be thought carefully about.

Giving up has been done many of us. There are unspeakable reasons for it, but before you have given up, I'm definitely sure that you have thought about it multiple times. Giving up is also a choice that a person has to make not because you want to escape and just leave but simply because you chose to do what's right even if it's painful, especially if you are slowly losing yourself because of it.

When is the right time to say that you give up?

I've been asked this question and I don't know the exact answer for this. But based on my experiences and journey in life, I can say that the right time to give up is when the fight is not worth fighting anymore.

The best time to give up is when you know that you have given your best. There will be no regrets from everything that you have done. When you know that you did your best, there's no need for you to keep living with regrets and what ifs'.

Actually giving up is not just by merely speaking the words but more of doing the deed. You can't say that you have given up something or someone in which you still do your old routine with it.

When a person has been smoking for years and one day he suddenly wanted to quit smoking, it's not a gradual thing to do. He will experience pain, discomfort and mood swings due to his withdrawal syndrome.

It takes time to realize that but I hope that when that time comes, it's never too late.

I'll also use romantic relationship between two people. In order for a relationship to work, the two people involved in a relationship must work both ways. I don't believe that a man or a woman must love his partner more than his partner loves him. Again it's a two way connection and effort.

When a relationship is not the same and you know that you're slowly losing yourself by being the who's toxic or being involved with someone who's toxic, it's not selfish to choose to break away form it. There's no point in staying in a situation where you are no longer growing. A relationship is supposed to make you better and not bitter.

What are the things you must give up?

Life is something that I can never give up with. No matter how difficult it is or how exhausting it becomes I'll always choose to live.

There is always a reason to continue living and keep on fighting. There's more to life than the hardships I face.

There were so many things to consider when to give up or what to give up. Sometimes when we have given up on something or someone, is the time when we are able to be blessed with something better.

One of the problems we encounter as humans are the attachments we have with something or someone. We tend to be overly attached even when we know that it will just hurt us in the end.

I always have the mindset of treasuring memories and mementos given to me. I don't believe that a relationship stays the same just like the time how it started. You can either grow closer or grow apart and the latter is what always happens.

When I was in high school me and my classmates promised each other to greet one another of ever we see our former classmates but that didn't happen. It was a wishful thinking and as I grow old, I was able to realize that some relationships have it's specific time span.

You can't expect someone you've know for years to know you the same way you have known them. You can't expect someone to treasure the memories you have the same way you treasure it.

Life is a journey where I'll meet different people and experience different things. Each person I meet is not a coincidence. Each person teaches me something I can never learn without them. Whether my memories with them are good or bad, it surely has somehow taught me something.

I admit it's painful at first but as time passes by, I learned to live with it.

Right now I am facing a career shifting but it doesn't mean that I'll give up on my chosen career. I see it as stop, just like when you are on riding on a bus and it stops on the bus stop. It takes time but the bus will surely be on the road again reach it's destination.

I need to do what's practical than to keep holding on to what is actually unattainable at the moment.

Why do you have to give up?

I have to give up when my health and sanity becomes at stake. I only have one life and I want to treasure and use it wisely.

I have to give up on something I know I can never have no matter what I do. When I've done everything I can and it still didn't work out then I have to give up.

It's painful, uncomfortable and it will make me cry and sad for a few months but it will also pass. No matter how painful it is to give up, I will do it.

I'd be a hypocrite if I say that giving up is nothing but I don't want to lie and sugar-coat my words. It's much better to be safe and get hurt by the truth than to be happy with a lie.

It's a normal and a natural thing to give up but it doesn't mean that I can't go try a different method.

When it's not God's will, no matter how hard you exert an effort, you can't have it, but when it is God's will no one can stop it.

What does giving up symbolizes?

Giving up is a symbol of strength and courage.

It's not about me being tough enough to let go, but it's about me wanting to be free.

This year is the year where I can say that I've shed too much tears. This year has taught me a lot and one of those is by giving up what's unimportant, irrelevant and give up on what holds me back.

Usually what holds me back is my mindset. I came to realize that no matter what the people around me says about me, I am the one in control with own mind. I have the ability to filter what to remember and how to take criticism.

I can turn what's negative into positive. I can either self reject or keep on trying.

It makes me feel much better to know that I've tried and I did my best than to just sit and drown myself with my own thoughts.

Giving up doesn't mean you're weak, loser or you're done for. Giving up means you are courageous enough to accept that not everything is worth fighting for and not everything that you wanted will come to you by itself. You have to work for it.

If you want to have a new house, save money for it. Give up your vices and just focus on saving your money for vices for what you really want. Stop wasting your time day dreaming about what you want, do something to have it.

If you want to receive a salary then work for it. Look for a job. A job doesn't always have to be paying you a large amount of money. If you have to start from scratch then do it.

Countless excuses are heard from those who are just pure talks while countless hardwork are seen from those who want to make things happen.


December 6, 2020


$ 3.51
$ 3.51 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Love_16
3 years ago


Hugs! At first I was thinking about quitting a job then as I go along I thought of a particular person while reading this. He was the one who ended it. Well I can't really say that he ended it because we didn't have a label to begin with. But we had a lot of histories together. He had to give me up for him to be exclusive with someone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You don't have to settle for less when you can have the best ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Totally agree. Although sometimes we are blinded by love that we just realized it when it's already over.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It also takes courage to give up. Giving up is not easy but if you know that things isn't getting the way you wanted it to be learn to give up. Because the more we push ourself from it, the more pain we get.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Giving up is not something to be ashamed of. It is a decision and journey that we must go through in order to become better ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

People who gave up are not actually cowards. They are the people who have enough courage to let go of the things that will certainly hurt them. It is not about being weak, but sometimes you have to give up when everything seem to have negative impact on you as a person.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I admire people who are courageous enough to give up in order to grow ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago