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3 years ago

Not all excuses are excusable.

All excuses are excusable to those who give it, but not all whom you give your excuse accepts it as an excusable excuse.

I have encountered people with countless excuses especially when you need a favor to ask from them, but when it's them who needed you, you were there for them.

It's good to know when someone is there when you needed help. But you can never expect those whom you helped to help you when you're the one who needed it.

Excuses exposes a person. It shows whether he is really committed or he's just trying to get away from doing something.

People can think of countless excuses for them not to get in trouble. As the saying goes, 'If there's a will there's a way'. I have added 'If there's an excuse, everything becomes impossible'.

Excuses can be accepted depending on a situation, but when you know that they are just giving excuses just so they can't perform well, that is not good.

When you are sick, or your family needs you then it's excusable. It's easy to weigh an excusable excuse from an excuse which makes you want to get away from doing something you don't want to do.

Truth is, we know if we're telling the truth or we're just trying to make an excuse for ourselves.

A habit of giving excuses started in a single 'I don't want to'. It's your choice to choose from and a decision to make.

I'm also guilty of this. I give excuses when I don't want to do something or to attend an event. I'm an introvert so I enjoy being alone. When there are too many people, I feel suffocated and out of place. I feel uncomfortable and unsafe when there are too many people around me.

Whenever there is an upcoming reunion or party, I'd always choose to stay at home than to go those events even if I'm invited. I find comfort at home. Whenever I don't want to do something asked of me, I will find ways not to do it.

But when there are things that I needed to do, things seem to be impossible.

It's ironic as to how we can find excuses not to do something we don't want and have a hard time finding ways on how to do it. Sometimes we need to do something out of our own comfort zone.

Last Sunday I was asked to join a year end party near our house. I immediately said that I'd rather sleep than attend. Their reactions are the same.

'You should also try to have a social life.'

I felt like I've had enough social life which is limited to true people but I was somehow convicted that I must go since we're neighbors and it's not as if it's too unsafe. All of us stays at home so I thought that it might really be a good time to take a rest from all negativity and just enjoy.

I've also met people who says, 'I can't do it', even if they haven't even tried doing it. I always tell them to try it before saying that they can't.

This is actually what I always tell myself. I must do something in order to do better. If I keep on staying in my comfort zone, then I'll never be myself.

When someone cheated, he has the tendency to give countless excuses as to why he did it or what has he thought about before doing it.

For me, there no excuse is ever acceptable enough for somepne to cheat. It's not just about hurting the other person. It's about asking your self worth and eating your value. This wouldn't have happened if the other person did not cheat.

If you know that you don't want to do it or you can't make it, you can just simply tell the truth than to give excuses.

Just do what you can. Excuses limit you from getting better. Before making an excuse, kindly consider others as well.

Matthew 5:37 NIV

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

There's no need to complicate things. You just have to be truthful and at least give an honest answer than to try to lie by making excuses.

You can even apologize for not being able to attend or do something. The truth shall set us free. You don't always have to explain your side but at least allow the other person to at least have the idea as to why you can't make it. When it's done to you, you'll also feel irritated for the reason that you know when a person is just giving reasons.

There's nothing wrong with giving an excuse, but when you have to lie, just so you can be excused, that is definitely not a good thing.

It's also good to try new things from time to time as long as it isn't harmful to you and to others.


December 17, 2020


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3 years ago


If someone really make mistake, he need to excuse. If we continue to keep doing excuse for every little thing, we'll lose our personality.

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3 years ago