Day 3/365

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2 years ago

Isn't it amazing how we were able to survive last year and still be alive and kicking today? Look how fast the days gone by. It just feels like yesterday when we were celebrating Christmas and New year with out families, and now we're back to how our lives usually go on a daily basis. Back to school, back to work and back to the days of striving for better days.

Do you have new year's resolution?

How about goals? Be it personal, physical, spiritual, intellectual, financial or career wise.

What are the things that you are looking forward to experience and do this year?

How would you like your life to be this year?

Any self thought or self note? Those will actually help you set boundaries and be free from any additional stress which we don't actually need.

Life goes on. Life continues. Even if we're not yet ready to face it, it can't always be night time which means rest. Things wouldn't work out the way we wanted to if we don't change our lifestyle or of we keep the same mindset we've had last year.

Even if you were able to make a prosperity bowl, you completed the 12 fruits or you have followed the traditional beliefs, it doesn't guarantee any success. Because if it does, then none of us has to work two jobs or overtime just to keep ourselves alive everyday.

In order for something to change, something new has to be done as well. It's not just about wanting something. Your desire or motivation will never be enough to cause a change. You have to work it out. Make an action plan and apply it.

Always remember that consistency is the key. Never allow your emotions to overpower you. I'm not saying that you should invalidate your feelings and emotions. Our feelings and emotions are what makes us human and it's a gift.

What I'm saying is that we have to be in control and in charge of what we feel and how we feel. Not because we feel disheartened today, we won't continue anymore. We have to continue until we reach and hit the goal that we had set.

If we felt tired along the way, it's okay to pause, stop and rest. Then, we can continue what we have started. But if we choose to quit, it's not just about losing. It's about proving to yourself that you can do it. You are more than what you think you can do or what you can be.

If you're exhausted of the same routine, you can replace your bad old habits with new good habits. You can be more productive by starting small of the things that you know you have to do, but kept on procrastinating.

Most of us know the things that we have to change or do but we kept on making excuses which is "valid" that keeps us from moving forward and being the better version of ourselves. There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay the same but look at how much you're missing out because you don't want to take the risk of changing. You're too used to your old self that it is now your comfort zone and now, you don't want to to leave it and change.

The reality of life is the fact that it will never be smooth sailing. Hardships, trials, problems, struggles, and other negative things are part and will always be part of it and we can't do anything about it. It's inevitable. And life will never be life without those things.

Even if you commit mistakes along the way, always remember that you can always continue. You mistake will never define you. It's the way you handle it is what will matter the most.

Start the year right.

Do the things that make you happy.

Start educating yourself.

Enjoy more.

Above all else, seek God more and work put your relationship with Him.

It might sound cliche and corny but everything on the earth will pass away and only your relationship with God is what will lead you towards His presence where there will be no more tears, struggles and problems. Only His eternal love, peace and comfort is what you will feel.


January 3, 2022


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$ 1.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Love_16
2 years ago


Happy New Year Love_16. 😊😊 we did the prosperity bowl for the first time this year. And just like you said it we should not solely depend on these beliefs or lucky charms as we still need to work. I haven't thought of the answers to your questions but I would contemplate on it one of these days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those questions are for self reflection. God bless you and keep safe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Likewise Love_16. Always be safe. 😊 indeed those are really for self reflections that is why I find it hard to answer right away. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Self-confidence is what got us to the top


$ 0.00
2 years ago

As long as you do what's right, then it's fine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah we face trials everyday and in order to surpass that trials we must to be strong and brave but above all we must trust God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's all God's doing indeed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago