You are important

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Avatar for Louise1478
3 years ago

We all have an important role in life. Whether you are a mother, a daughter, a spouse, a granddaughter, an Aunt, a partner, or a friend, you matter a lot. We often forget our role, but whatever may that be, we should always remember that we contribute the whole puzzle of a person's life. And that someone may be waiting for you right now as her/his only hope.

There are many things that we can do for another. It is also said that we are our brother's keepers. If a friend called you and ask you to do something, don't hesitate to go to him for help. It may be a helping hand or financial help maybe. What is important is your presence. You may never tell what will happen. It may be your last time to spend together. You can never tell. But what is for sure is that you made it to go to him/her. And that is enough.

Just remember that life is short. And the journey may seem challenging. But your importance really matters. The most important thing may easily become lost, so you better play your part well. The precious things in our life like our Family, Friends, Love ones, our Health, and our career is important as we are. Let us make the most of it!

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$ 0.01 from @ellimacandrea
Avatar for Louise1478
3 years ago


Truly, each of us is important. Each of us has a special role to play. Thanks for reminding that I am too.

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User's avatar Jim
3 years ago

You are important to all those who know you, especially to your family. Your friends, including me, reminds you of that. Stay safe Jim!

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3 years ago

Thanks Ma'am. You just made the night so positive for me. Thanks for being a blessing. You too are important to me as you keep me motivated and optimistic:)

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User's avatar Jim
3 years ago

Indeed. Blessing comes in unexpected ways. But we doesn't know when it will come, and who will it be from. We just have to be thankful every time.

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3 years ago

And you ma'am came at the right time. Thanks for the inspiring words.

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User's avatar Jim
3 years ago

We are all equally important and we are all values and loved. Thank you for your nice article. It inspires people like me.

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3 years ago

You also inspire me. I know that someone out there finds time to read my article, and you are one of them. Thank you Dreambig.

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3 years ago

It's good to be there in times of need but it is also good to teach those in need to stand on their own feet. You can only achieve something by working for it. Abusing friendship, manipulating family, friends and those who do you good happen a bit too frequently these days. Too many playing the pitiful one is a great way to make an income and force others to take care of their responsibilities. 🍀

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are situations like that. And when you feel that you are being sort of abuse, I think it is not good anymore. Teaching them to stand on there own is the best way you can help others also. Thank you for that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome. Enjoy your day. 💕

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3 years ago

very meaningful post. we always have roles but they change time to time.... take different forms..... really a inspiring post.... keep doing the good works

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I appreciate people like you saying they were inspired by this. It is really you that inspires me to write articles like this. Please subscribe to my account Jihan and I will also to you. Be safe!

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3 years ago

yeah... lets have each others back..... i have subscribed you... 😅😅keep doing the good works❤️❤️❤️

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3 years ago

This is a good morning realization. Most of the time, I wonder if there will be friends that will come to me when I needed help. And if I will be there for them as a helping hand when they needed one.

Nowadays, it seems that people only help when they think they can benefit something from it. Or if they only have a favor to return. I myself think about that too. And I would like to change it.

Thanks for this article that it made me realize that we should be there for the people we love.

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3 years ago

True friends will stay for you no matter what. Although there are some who just helps you because they know that can get something in return. But in the end, it's our hearts that matters.

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3 years ago

Life's quite short and time's not ours so the little chance we have, we should try to be helpful to ourselves and others.

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3 years ago

In this life, we are given a few chances. Let us make the most out of it. Thank you for this comment Bestie. Let us subscribe to each others accounts. Stay safe!

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3 years ago

My pleasure

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3 years ago