The Art of Letting Go

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Avatar for Louise1478
3 years ago

Who says that letting go is an art? Have you ever experienced one?

You are a strong person if you happen to move on from a hurtful breakup with a smile. A strong person is not the one who doesn't cry. A strong person is one who is quiet and sheds tears for a moment and then picks up the sword and fights again. But what if you don't have the courage to pick it up and fight?

Then comes yourself. Picking up the pieces again. The art of letting go involves processes that only you can do. It is a part of your growth. It means to leave things the way they are and move forward. You just need to realize that life never stops and comes to a halt. It may be difficult to do so, but life tells us that we must go on. You cannot think about the future, or new happenings in life if you continue to cling to the past.

Saying goodbye doesn't mean you don't love the person anymore. The feeling may still be there, but it is healthy to move on and let go. To forgive and forget is a gift to yourself. And it does good things too. It makes the heart happy again.

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Avatar for Louise1478
3 years ago


We have to stand up again and again every time we experience a painful fall

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3 years ago

We can still love the person from a distance. What has changed is you have set gour boundaries already to prevent yourself from getting hurt.

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3 years ago

I like what you said. Boundaries are set to limit ourselves of getting hurt. But it doesn't mean that we can not love them anymore. It is just giving them a silent love, and that is all..

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3 years ago

Right. We can still love them from a distance 😊

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3 years ago

I love the song the art of letting go. It's very heartbreaking but on the other hand it will make you realize that learning the art of letting go is the best way to move on.

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3 years ago

Oh, I like it too. I can relate to the song. Sometimes I just cry while singing it. And I don't know why I get so emotional. But I really like that song.

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3 years ago

Same here. I like the melody of the song ang the lyrics. Hahaha.

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3 years ago

Letting go of a person means giving the person the freedom. And it also means giving your self the peace you deserve.

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User's avatar Jim
3 years ago

Yes, it is. Freedom is important. When you let go, that freedom is given to you and to the other person as well.

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3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this article. God bless and stay safe :)

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User's avatar Jim
3 years ago

Acceptance is a key in moving forward. It is the first step in every moving on process of a person. You need to accept first the reality of what is really happening in your relationship to finally let go a person. Then start focusing on your own self, start picking up the pieces of your broken heart and do things on your own. I know the process of moving on is long but in this little way we can atleast live in a world where we think we do not deserve.

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3 years ago

Living in this world full of hurt is given. But still we must go on. I agree with you that acceptance is important. And it is the first step of moving on. It may be hard, but we have to face it. Thank you Shaz, and let us subscribe to each others accounts. Let us share our thoughts while helping each other. Stay safe!

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3 years ago