Why Accountancy as College Course is Difficult
If you want to be a professional accountant, you have to take up a degree in accountancy in college. And because I wanted to become an accountant, I took up the challenge of taking such difficult course.
I am currently a third year BS Accountancy student. This course gets harder and harder every time. Failing quizzes and exams is a norm, sleepless nights is inevitable and stress will be your constant companion. I knew some people who had gave up and took a different path. I know some people who didn’t, but still couldn’t make it because they weren’t able to pass.
Taking this course is like digging your own grave. It takes more than brains to pass this. I am in my third year and I can say that I am just a tired and drained potato.
As I am enjoying my uneventful days, I tried to think of reasons why is this difficult to know if I can do something.
So, what makes this course hard?
• Extensive analysis of theory and application. This course tackles both the concepts and how to apply this concepts every time. It is not easy to apply this concepts because they are vague and not so comprehensive. Sometimes, it takes hours to understand one principle, rule or concept and it just takes up all your energy and motivation. More so, there are countless concepts every topic and you need to spend time and effort studying and researching every one of them because you’ll never know how much is included. There are illustrations which help you to apply such principles, but they are still hard. And the problems they put on examinations are far complicated than the examples.
• Full load every semester. This may not be the case for other colleges or universities, but it is for me. A whole week is not enough for all the units. Sometimes, instructors use free days to conduct make-up classes and tests. Every week is jam-packed with each subject demanding almost all your time. It is easy to say you only need time management. But, how can you manage your time when it is definitely lacking? There are too many subjects to worry every semester but there is no enough time to learn. Everyone only ends up rushing lessons and exams, thus no learning at all.
• Time pressure. There is no enough time to learn but you still have to undergo tests and quizzes to evaluate what you have learned. You did not fully understood the lesson but you already have to take the quiz. It is not reasonable but welcome to college. Furthermore, you’ll have to comply with strict time restrictions that does not seem justifiable. You’ll have a 30-minute quiz with 45 items and more that you will never expect. This course expects you to solve fast but such time is not reasonable. It’s just added pressure which will likely cause you to make mistakes.
• Lack of comprehensive discussion. With time lacking, instructors are unable to teach all topics and would simply pass the burden to the students. Most of the time, lessons are just self studied. That is not effective for most people. Some instructors are also not good teachers. They try to discuss but fail to make students fully absorb the topics.
• Ineffective way of testing. Some instructors give test problems that are way too complicated than what was discussed. Some problems are not even discussed. They expect students to answer questions they did not even study and not included in books and discussions.
These are only some things. These reasons are actually part of a bigger picture. Accountancy course is hard because we just don’t have good education system and some schools don’t provide qualify education. Let us hope that things will change in the future so no more dreams would be crushed.
As an accountancy student, I agree to all of what you've said. I am pouring much effort and almost all my time just to received a grade which is higher than the maintaining grade. It's hard but with genuine dedication, we can achieve this degree.