It's Okay to Not be Okay

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2 years ago

This post is designed to remind us all that it's okay to not be okay. We all have bad days, and we all know people who have dark days more often than good ones.

First, let's congratulate ourselves for even being able to notice it in ourselves or our friends and family. There is a certain amount of sensitivity needed to pick up on these signs, and for that we should be proud. Next, let's celebrate the fact that we noticed these signs and are ready to do something about it.

Life is a rollercoaster. The highs, the lows and even the average experiences all make up our existence. However, there are times in which we can be utterly unprepared for what's coming at us.

Sometimes, it's okay to not be okay. Sometimes, it's okay to have a little quiet time and be alone with your thoughts instead of spending the entire weekend with your friends, because your mind needs some space. Sometimes, it's okay to get out of the house for an hour just because it feels good.

It's okay to feel bad. It's okay not to feel great about yourself. It's okay, in fact, that you are your own worst critic and can't seem to find anything good in the mirror.

No matter how ugly the situation may seem there is always something that you can do about it. Bad days don't have to last forever if you take action. There are solutions to your problems, they just might not be obvious yet. Remember that you always deserve a second chance, as well as a third, fourth or fifth one too if needed. And once you've made a mistake you can still right your wrongs if only you approach the situation with the intent of learning from it this time around instead of repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

What matters is not how we feel. What matters is our reaction to how we feel. By being okay with the fact that we all have issues, not everyone is going to be okay, and that's okay, we can all take comfort in knowing that by taking action and working towards a solution to combat these issues, rather than sitting idle and waiting for things to happen, we can be okay.

In Summary

  • It's okay to not be okay. A person must be willing to accept negative feelings and emotions as part of life.

  • Acknowledge that you aren't perfect; nobody is.

  • Having a "bad day" does not mean you're a failure.

  • Be kind to yourself, and give yourself permission to be human.

  • If you're having a hard day, think about something positive.

  • Don't be ashamed to ask for help if you need it.

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Written by
2 years ago


Life sometimes can not be predicted. A moment of it is filled with happiness, and the next moment sadness shows up. But every moment of life, every ups and downs of life is so important because they are what makes us who we are. There are time it breaks us down, and there are times it molds us into a better version of us. Whatever you are going through in life, just know that there are people out there who care about your feelings. The world will never be complete without you.

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2 years ago