My plans for October

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Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago

Every day, every week, every month and every year our plans are change. We change our plans according to situation and sometimes we don't know the situation so we've to adapt some plans.

Change plan according to situation

But now i know about situation so this time I've strong plans for it. Just like when we know today will be raining and we carry an umbrella with us, if we know now drought is coming in country than we run to safe food for future, now in these day we know our economy crises so everyone try to safe money for future and we change our plans according to situation.

Hello to Winter's

With the arrival of October, Autumn also come and we all know that after autumn exactly winter will come here. Last year it was very difficult for me to spend Winter snd i suffered a lot so this year i know it'll happen again and i want to prepare myself for that time. So that this year I'll not suffer from the same situation. We should learn from our mistakes and i learnt from it. So i changed my plans.

What i suffered last winter?

Actually I'm very sensitive to winter's and i easily get cold, flue and bad throat. Any viral disease attack me so fast and if i want yo recover than i failed. I remember that last year i had high fever, flue, headche snd bad throat for 3 months. Means here Winter are just of 3 months means extreme level of Winter's. And i was start to hate myself that why i can't live Winter normaly jyst like other people live. Obviously when you ill for so long time than you start to feel irritation from yourself too and you want to get rid of from all situation. Same thing happened to me.

Why i said i learned from mistake?

Now you people think that what was the mistake here through which she learnt a lesson. Actually when we suffer a lot than obviously you are doing some mistake just you have to highlight that mistake.

Whenever i told to my father that I'm ill and it's due to cold he always said your immune system is so weak which don't have any antibodies who fight against these viruses snd you used some antibiotics to recover yourself. And i listen to him silently. He even said this too that you're a student of biology but in my mind you're failed in biology because biology learn us what we need to protect our body chemically.

Whenever i told to my mother that I'm ill abd it's due to cold she always said you're my first daughter or first child that's vehy it's happening to you because you're sensitive. She described it as myth on which i hardly believe because I'm a student of science and i try to find reason, simple talks never satisfied me

So, i think my dad was right and I've weak immune system and I've to make it strong.

What's my plan for October?

Still I've one month snd i think it's enough because i already start to working on it. I start to take only healthy diet snd increase use of fruit and milk in my diet. I always used fruit more in my diet but this time i just add one apple in it. I don't know what are benefits of using apple daily but i read if you eat apples than you don't need to go to doctor.

I stop eating apples since year's because i don't like it and i don't know why i don't like apple but now i start to eat it just for myself because now i don't want to sick.

Ending thoughts

People have many plans regarding earning but this month I've more plans regarding health because if you're healthy than you can earning too. I know i can do this. And i hope so too that this winter I'll not sick again and living winter's happily with good health.

All the images are from unsplash picture including lead image

Thank you for your time and love

$ 6.49
$ 6.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Idksamad7869
$ 0.01 from @HattyHats
Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago


Like you iam also sensitive easily get cold and flu, well I hope this time you won't be getting flu, and wish you best of luck for your plans

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope so too that I'll not easily get flue or fever

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You have a very nice goal to become healthy,that's really helpful,to have a healthy lifestyle and self discipline. Your plans are good,go for it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes and i try to work on it too

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hope you achieved all your goals for this month! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Almost i achieve all goals

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope you have a warm winter if that is possible. I also hope you do not get sick this winter. Stay warm Lesly! I enjoyed your article!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for your appreciation 🥰

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The heck I'm also kinda sensitive already Got cold, flue and bad throat after a little cold in temperature LoL.

Anyway wish you Good luck for your plans.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Huhhh let's see after adapting these plans i got cold easily or not

$ 0.00
1 year ago