What you are good at?

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2 years ago

It's been twenty years of living,a 2 decades of me honing skills, and talents. As I Lazysnail. Perceived everything as a challenges in life that's was needed to be overcome. That's why I have this mindset since a child that I need to level up. I needed to learn skills in life to use it when time has come.

Trophy: image from unsplash

I am obtaining different types of abilities time by time. I tried to learn instrument, Though that's something I'm having hard time until now. I love to play mind puzzles like chess, rubik's cube and tower of hanoid. I even drew some sketches before. I'm also athletic person, for I can play different types of sports juts like basketball, and soccer but I stop playing soccer since 3rd grade because of bad injury. I was used to play mobile games so much that I might be called game addict in my highschool life. But time by time some of these hobbies of mine are slightly losing one by one. Adulting age hit diferents, you'll be aware about the things which are not that important, and wlll be learn on the things you must focus on.

Since my ninth grade upto my first ever first year college experience. I'm enhancing my skills in electrical field. In that 5 years of span, I'm learning how to install a proper electrical installation with the proper safety. I'm good at making an electrical plan, and I even tried to make a floor plan with electrical plan installed. I've chosen Electrical installation and Maintenance as my main strand in Senior highschool because I know that I will going to use it when I grow up which is I don't regret until now. And I studied one year in BSIT in Electrical in here in TCU because I thought this is my calling. But I shifted to this course of Industrial Engineering because I know that it will going to give me more opportunities to learn new thing

Skills: image from unsplash

I can't think of my biggest problems in my life because I enjoy overcoming most of it. I am confident to have enough skills to faces every challenges in front of me. But if ever asked, what is the memorable challenges that I have overcome in school, I think it is in my last year of senior highschool. It is when we are making a research papers, my group mates are kinda cooperative but their works are mostly wrong so I needed to revise everything myself. I even go back to square one when I'm in the middle of my previous research because my professor got pissed on us. I make different research topic and finish everything before the deadline. I defended well my research paper and was chosen to be a representative in our section to join the research festival in our school which I get home the trophies of best in Research champion, best I'm Research Documentation and best in Presentor.

If ever asked about what does I like to do, I think the answer is writing. I love to write different kind of things. I have written poems, blog, fiction stories, love story, and horror stories. Actually this is something I'm doing for almost a year. For I have joined an earning platform where we are earning real money by just writing anything we want.

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Hello hello there my fellow readers and writers it's me once again your lazy writer lazysnail. You may wonder why I make an article like this one. The answer is that, my professor in Arts and appreciation tasks us to make an essay about our strengths and abilities. My classmates are complaining because we need to write a 200 words essay. But I think it's kinda easy. I just found out that I'm getting better in terms of writing and that's is because of this read cash platform that hone my skills.

$ 1.88
$ 1.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @mommykim
$ 0.03 from @Bloghound
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2 years ago


Practicing sports is something beneficial for all people of all ages except if this is his work then he has to do a spare activity after one day of exercises.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

it's kinda great that you are well aware of your skills and continued on honing them. I myself have became interested in computers but never took BS Info. Tech. because I wanted to be a teacher even though I had low confidence back then. But eventually, I realized that connecting with people has been quite a talent for me. I then became a friendly person, and really made good friends with great people that I know today. 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sana ganoon rin ako no..kayang i conquer ang fear at mataas confidence at tiwala sa sarili..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You do really good at it, lods Snail!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You nailed it snail. You are indeed a great writer. I felt the love and you have a passion for it. I'm happy for you. I love your articles because there are a lot of lessons we can learn. I'm really proud of you. You are a skillful person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think all thanks goes to these amazing platforms, who have polished our writing skills. So you are also good at making an electrical plan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago