A glimpse of me, Lazysnail

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1 year ago

There are days in a week, hours in a day, minutes in an hour, seconds in a minute, where I unconsciously found myself in this platform just looking at what is happening, like who's is still writing and if there's a big update on this site. I found myself taking a glimpse to this read cash. As I wanted to write back again, I lost my motivation the same as I lost my wallet, my sister's unionbank account. For everyone's information, I'm using my sister's bank account to save and withdraw all my earnings that I accumulated from this apps and from the noise cash. I wouldn't forget it, because I lost 15,000 in that wallet.

My sister's phone accidentally reboot itself and delete all the application that it has on her phone including the unionbank account. She forgot the password to the app that's why we can't withdraw it. And when we go to the actual bank of it, we found out that my money is not in there. Starting that time, together with the downfall of crypto, I lost my motivation to write anything. I don't even have an account to save my earnings too. Well, it's not that It's still a big deal for me until today. I move on to that problem and focus more to life outside read cash.

I have been inactive for like how many months, and that I manage to accomplish a lot of things in that long period of time.

Engineering is a no joke course like for real. Here's I realized that I am not good in math and that I'm kinda dumb. There are times that I get demotivated and losing my self confidence because of the problems needed to be solved. I feel like I'm just surviving this course. And heyyy I'm 2 years left before becoming an actual engineer. As I am done without almost all of my finals and I feel like I did a great job in those subjects.

Just last month in our college foundation I joined the chess tournament in sport fest. It's my first time being in a chess tournament and I don't even know the rules. To my surprise I won continually until I was defeated I'm the finals by my own class who is a chess athlete in our school. I finished 1st runner up in that tournament.

I manage to travel to different places and see a lot of beautiful things. It's like I lost readcash but I found more of life. Right now, I'm just writing this article because I can't sleep and I wanted to relax my brain. Actually I have written a bunch of literature in my notes apps. Maybe I'll put them all here next time.

Hello there, I miss this platform 
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Avatar for Lazysnail
1 year ago


Maganda yan snail. Minsan kailangan natin mag unwind din snail para to relax our mind, to commit happiness too. Kumusta kana snail?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is unfortunate to know that you lose your access to unionbank.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Loosing access to your money is so heartbreaking.. glad you're back to read. I understand the whole situation

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Gla dto see you back. I'm sorry for you loss. Grabe ng laking halaga nun

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good to see you back after a long time. I can understand your situation as it would be painful to loss your money.

$ 0.00
1 year ago