Time management.

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4 years ago

The greatest asset is time, managing time is important because time wasted can never be retrieved. We have heard so much about how time is significant and procrastination is the murder of time. Now we need to learn how to manage this asset because it is too valuable to be wasted. Time waits for no one, it keeps passing us by each moment. The earlier we rise and work with time is better for us, now to make good use of our time, we can achieve that through the following steps:

Write out your plans: Each day if you wish to achieve your plans then write them out, this will keep you focused and help you achieve all without forgetting any. When you see you have a lot to achieve for the day, you will be prompted into action, there won't be room for galavanting until you are done with your plans for the day.

Prioritise: your priority is what you pay much attention to, you give in so much to maintain that. Prioritising gives your subconscious mind this important role of reminding you of the importance of making good use of your time. You prioritize your plans, fighting so hard to achieve a certain goal at an estimated time flame and not procrastinating or prolonging one plan that it takes the time for another plan.

Adopt the 80/20 role: This means drawing a scale of preference, doing the most pressing things first, this will give you peace of mind and time to do the other one's. When executing your plans for the day, do them in the order of preference to avoid rushing up things at dying minutes, this rush kills time and you may not do what you ought to do, right.

Do one thing at a time: you don't need to start up three to four plans at once, you may be thinking you are doing it first but in actual sense, you are killing time, finish up with one plan then start up another one, this will help you work diligently and smartly.

Create out time: To manage time properly, you create out time, how can you achieve this, push down those plans you know that are not really important so you can have time to do the important one again those plans you know that may take you the whole day, learn to split them in a bit, do small today then finish up tomorrow so you can have time for other things.

Manage your time very well, plan your days ahead of time because when you fail to plan, you have automatically planned to fail.

Happy Sunday everyone, my bestie @Dreamer @Ashma @MisterWrite @scottcbusiness special greetings to you all my sponsors, thank you for your benevolence. @Tunuu please get well soon.

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Avatar for Ladyv28
4 years ago


time appropriately, you make out time, how might you accomplish this, push down those plans you realize that are not so much significant so you can have the opportunity to do the significant one again those plans you realize that may take you the entire day

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are to manage your time well to achieve your set goals

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, when you don't manage time well it passes without you achieving anything. The earlier we make great use of time, the better for us

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Time is the ultimate weapon!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes when we don't manage it well, we lose a lot. Time is the greatest asset more valuable than gold

$ 0.00
4 years ago