It's Christmas eve already; today was stressful

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2 years ago

24th of December 2021

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This is barely one minute into the new day and I cannot but write about my excitement regarding the coming of Christmas. I couldn't write yesterday because I got really busy with Christmas preparations plus I actually went to the mall with sister and some peeps to see the new spiderman movie; spiderman no way home. It was a really exciting movie which I will not talk about because I do not intend to give spoilers but I must say that it didn't live up to the hype.

I had some fun, saw a movie, played some games and enjoyed myself altogether. I eventually left few minutes past 7 am tonface the traffic. The mall was a really long journey from my house hence I spent about three hours or thereabout in traffic before finally getting to my destination. I got home about a few minutes past 10 pm, feeling exhausted, super tired and everything that describes stress in its entirety.

I'm feeling good and at the same time extremely tired. I do not intend to talk about the fun and bla bla because I'm so tired to even think but I simply had to write because I do not feel good each time I skip writing even just for a day.

It's few minutes past 12 am already, it's Christmas Eve and I'm lookin gidrwars tithe much awaited day.. I've been anticipating this day since the beginning of the year; Christmas day. Though I may not be going anywhere but I intend to have some fun by staying indoor all through while sipping on my favourite drinks in the dinner hall.

Guess what; my favourite drink is water, it may seem weird but it is what it is. It's the healthiest drink one could ever ask for. My taste buds simply do not align with other drinks except malt and yogurt because those are healthy substances with unique tastes. Plus my health doesn't allow me take carbonated drinks like coca-cola, Pepsi, mountain dew and yada yada if I intend to live a long life.

Altogether yesterday the 23rd was fun and I know the 24th will be even more fun. I gues I'd invite girlfriend over so we could have some fun (it's not what you're thinking). Girlfriend= friens that is a girl hence shouldn't be mistaken for "lover" as I've got none.

My eyes are closing already and it's time firnme to end this write up. Merry Christmas and have as much fun as you want.

Will write about my visit to the mall some other time, for now I'm super tired and I sinoly need to rest so I could have the strength to write another article by day break.

This article may not make any real sense but I'm glad you wouldn't judge me. I'm simply tired and want to write something before I fall asleep. Thanks for the understanding.


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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago


Sure you had fun, and the spiderman movie, I don't want to talk about it cause it might be spoiler for some

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello kristoff been so long😊 Hope you were doing well especially with your health. Merry Christmas🎉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Merry Christmas Kristoff :)) Hope you have an amazing one :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It’s ok. Sometimes even we feel to describe things like this.

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2 years ago