Charlotte and Annie's adventure II

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago
Topics: Adventure, Horror

15th of April 2022

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Walking in, we saw that there were several people in the shop whom Mag had to attend to, we waited for a few minutes before our turn came. We were last in line.

Continued from Charlotte and Annie's adventure!...

“You girls look like you’ve been sleeping well lately”. “Yes, ma’am it’s been nice but last night was different”. We explained the event of the previous night to her, after which she took a deep breath. “I didn’t think it would come to this”. She paused for a few seconds and continued. “Looks like we have no choice but to exorcise this demon and…”. “Exorcism?”, Charlotte and I cut in before she could finish her sentence. We had only seen it in movies, and it was the creepies thing ever with the victim barely surviving. “It’s much easier than you think. We’re going to send Zachron back to where he came from, and he wouldn’t disturb you ever again”.

We took a deep breath in relief as we heard those words. She led us to the dark room she had led us to the first time we came for help, except the room looked a bit different this time. The broken table had been replaced, the candles around the table and chair were no longer there and the room looked more spacious. It was probably an optical illusion. “Have your seat”, she said as she walked out of the room via another door. She came back a few minutes later with two other men in black robes and a cape over their head.

“Let’s finish this”.

A young lady came into the dark room with a black Goat which she pulled by means of a rope. “Here it is”, she said as she walked in, dragging it along. On her left hand was something wrapped in a red piece of clothing which one of the men collected from her while the other collected the goat and tied it to a corner, after which she left the room.

“Ma’am…what’s the goat for?”, I asked as I had no idea what was going on. “Patience is a virtue, my daughter. You’d understand soon”, she said and signalled us to join her as she sat on the floor close to where the goat was tied. We both sat with her, and the robed men joined us.  We sat in a circle. I sat at Mag’s left while Charlotte sat at her right and the robed men followed suit.

As we sat, Mag picked up a chalk and drew the star of David on the floor within the candles and lit them. “The instruction is simple”, she said while lighting the candles. “We are going to summon Zachron. Once the demon has entered me, place my hand on the goat and it will be passed into it after which we kill it and send it back to hell”. “This is scary”, I thought about what could possibly happen if we a made mistake.

She spoke in a strange language and one of the men responded the same way. He unwrapped the red piece of clothing. It was a small shiny dagger with a tapered blade which they gave to her. She collected the dagger, raised it slightly above her head and chanted some strange words for a few seconds while Charlotte and I looked at each other in a creepy way. She kissed the knife, placed it in front of her and stretched her hands forward. We all held hands and began the summoning.

Mag chanted some incantations with her eyes closed and the men followed suit. “This is weird, I whispered to Charlotte as I looked at her in a creepy way while the chants began to increase. The robed man by my left looked at Charlotte and I “Spirit of the dead come upon my soul. We must recite it together. Right now!”

“Spirit of the dead come upon my soul”, “Spirit of the dead come upon my soul”. “Spirit of the….”. We recited it continuously while Mag chanted uncontrollably and swung her head in the left and right direction as if she was in a trance. We chanted over and over until she began to scream loudly.

All of a sudden, the surface before us where the star of David was drawn began to crack open little by little until a large stream of fire suddenly burst out and went up towards the ceiling. The sight was terrifying. It was a demon with large horns and razor-sharp teeth wrapped in fire. Almost like its body was made of fire. I was terrified.

I pulled my hands off out of fear and was about to jump off my seat when the men shouted “Don’t be afraid. Continue reciting”. “Oh god this is scary as hell”. We recited for a few more minutes with fear written all over me and Charlotte when the demon suddenly came back down and began to hover in a circle directly before us. Almost like it was scanning our faces. It stooped before Mag and rushed towards into her through her eyes, nose, and mouth. She must have been expecting it as she didn’t resist but let it in willingly. It took about thirty seconds for the demon to get into her completely. While this happened, the room began to shake as if a mini earthquake was happening and the candles before us went off as they got tilted.

Loud laughter in a lady’s voice was heard all around the room. We began to look around the room in fear. The curtains on each end of the room began to move on their own as if something was walking through them from end to end. The laughter continued for seconds, and strange looking women with black cloaks on them appeared all around the room. They were pale all from head to toe and were transparent as we could see through them. “They’d suck your soul if you come in contact with them”, said one of the men as both Men got up from their seats and faced them with confidence.

To be continued....

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago
Topics: Adventure, Horror
