Hey guys... Sorry i got busy this day out side.. Coz im just asking some help in some of our relocation village captain or chairman, to have some help, like having a livelihood programme that i can attend or joined on but they said that they dont have any available now coz its covid no funds supply of the municipal from the city. And usually they are not conducting any livelihood program here in this relocation area.
Its really sad to me that this kind of government cannot help us poor people to have even any kind of livelihood possibilities to make or help to us. To survive from our daily living.
Because this covid19 pandemic has a greater impact to the lives of many poor families out there not only to my family. Im really disappointed about hearing this kinds of alibis from them.
Its really hard to survive this life we had. Coz my husband ever since the pandemic locked down started he lost his job and no one is there to help us coz we both dont have any families.. That near with us and of course they are also poor,
Im really lucky to have the missionaries of charity the congregations of mother Teresa of calcutta that i can ask some foods stuff 2 times a month, especially for the needs of the children, but still I know that its not enough to support us.
I have 3 children and all of them are still small, they still needs some milk and baby foods, to survive day by day. My first child was only 3 yrs. Old, 2nd child was 1 yrs old and 7 months and the 3rd child was 7 months old. Its really makes my heart tear or cut off from its vessels when I saw them crying when they are hungry.
And i don't even have any penny to buy even one sachets of milk,to them. We are really trying hard to survive and had some any strategies to work and have money day by day.
But its hard to go out to find some little work coz they are not allowing us to go or sell some vegetables stuff to earn money even a little coz we dont have a bicycle with sidecar. Or any vehicle to use to go out coz uts not allowed to commute in the public places coz of the close contacts to other people, the protocol here is you can oly go out to sell something if you have your own vehicle to use even only a bicycle.
We have a side car bicycle but its already old and ruined and we can't even send ut to shop and fix or repair it coz it a little bit expensive. We buy this before 4 yrs ago, from a junkshop its a scrap from an old bicycle.
I really want to fix this and repair so that we can start a little business like selling some any street food stuff to earn money for our living so that we can survive in this battle of pandemic life. Especially to feed my children to stop asking foods or anything from the charity.
But my problem is how can I start this? Coz especially we don't have any money in our pocket and its really prohibited to go outside if your concern is not very important.
When i joined read cash from the moment i started i said to my self that maybe i can earn here in Read cash to earn even a little penny to help us a bit. Maybe i can collect all my earnings in Read cash daily to have some money to repair my bicycle.
I hope we can achieve our goal in order to survive our life in this pandemic times.
It's really hard to find a job during this pandemic and worrying what to eat. Your article is nice. God bless you! ๐