New day!

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Avatar for Kleah97
2 years ago

August 21

Happy Sunday everyone!

So, this day is a church day. I prepare myself hurriedly because I woke up so late. Why late? My sleeping clock is really frustrating. It's hard to sleep early this week and whenever I wake up around 5:00 am, I will sleep again that is why I woke up around 7:30-8:00 am Definitely, it is already late in the morning.

I am too hook again in using cellphone maybe that was also caused my sleeping clock this time.

Then I prepare myself to took a bath but sadly there's no water anymore. Sad to say, the plumber need to fix the way leaked line of water. So, I don't have choice just to look around if there's something water in the container but there's none. So, what I did is I went to my cousin house asking if there's a water in their line and Yes, there is. It is kinda blessing for me because I don't want to attend the mass without taking a bath for sure the feeling with that is hot and so bothered to my skin. I have only 20 mins. to prepare myself. Time runs so fast and unfortunately, I am late for about a minutes only but that's okay because I still able to hear the God's word.

The mass is done and God already blessed my week. After the mass, the coordinator of the church wants us to stay a while in the church because there were some agendas. Actually, for almost two months I was not here in our village because I went in the city. So, since I am here again in our home I am now serving God and so the service of the church. I continually give myself to the service of the calling. The agenda tackled earlier is about the new officers of the junior youth. We are three ladies weren't include on the junior youth supposedly we are in the senior youth so, since we are only three we don't have choice but to join the junior youth. We are just an adviser to them and helping them also.

After all those things that been tacked and after welcoming the new officers. It is indeed productive day. I hope those young people will continue their serving and spiritual calling to God.

We went home with so much love from God.

And now I am waiting the signal from my friends because we have a get together with them after how many months that we haven't see and communicate. We were able to attend the birthday and graduation party to the brother of our one friend.

I don't have any something special today that is why I am free to hang out just once in a month that I would have a time also with my friends. I know its not that always giving time for them but the true friends always there no matter has no communication or no get in touch together as long you are true with them and they were also.

So, let me end this story telling hahaha. I need to stop using phone right now because my eyes started aching.


Sponsors of Kleah97

$ 0.40
$ 0.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @alicecalope
$ 0.01 from @Lara888
Sponsors of Kleah97
Avatar for Kleah97
2 years ago


Its been a long time since I didn't go to church. But I'm always praying to him

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh try to have time there and have your prayer also there😊🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dugay nako wa ka simba sis. Akong eldest ra tg simba

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Make time ana sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy sunday sis,wa jud me ka simba oy kay gipang ubo akong mga junakis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aeee get well sa emong mga anak sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are doing a really great job in the church service that's good, really true friends deserve our time, be careful dealing with the phone it's a thief of time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you laraa my friend. I hope will continually doing this job. Yess thats true it is really thief.

$ 0.00
2 years ago